Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Class II
Science Term – I
Ls. 1 Plants around us

Day 1:
New Words :

sunlight, grow, strong, trunk, branches, shrubs, herbs, creepers, climbers,

Questions and answers :

1. Name the five kinds of plants?
A. The five kinds of plants are 1. Trees 2. Shrubs 3. Herbs 4. Climbers and 5. Creepers.

2. What are trees?
A. Trees are tall plants with woody trunk. They have many branches and deep roots. They live for many years. Eg. mango tree and banyan tree.

True or False :

1. All plants need water, air and sunlight. (True)
2. Trees live for many years. (True)

Choose the correct word :
1. Trees have a strong and ____ stem or trunk. (a)
(a) hard (b) thin (c) smooth

2. The main stem of the tree is called ________ (b)
(a) root (b) trunk (c) branch

3. Very small plants are called _________ (b)
(a) shrubs (b) herbs (c) climbers

Day 2:
New Words:
bushes, weak, seasonal, hibiscus..

Questions and answers :

3. What are shrubs?
A. Shrubs are smaller than trees. They do not have a trunk. They grow as bushes. Eg. Rose and hibiscus.

4. What are herbs?
A. Herbs are small plants. They have soft and weak stems. Most of them live for one season and die. Eg. tomato, paddy, grass.

Day 3:
New Words:
support, straight, crawl, grapevine, float, woody, hibiscus.

Questions and answers :

5. What are climbers?
A. Climbers are the plants that have long and weak stems. They need support to grow.
Eg. grapevine and money plant.

6. What are creepers?
A. Creepers are the plants that creep on the ground. They have large fruits.
Eg. water melon and pumpkin.

Fill in the blanks : (Pg. 134)

True or False :
3. Water melon is a tree. (False)
4. Some plants live for many years. (True)
5. Plants like lotus grow on land. (False)

Choose the correct word :
4. Plants that have weak stems and need support to stand straight are called (b)
(a) creepers (b) climbers (c) trees

5. Plants that grow in water are called ________ (a)
(a) water plants (b) seasonal plants (c) shrubs

Match the following :
1. Tree have soft and weak stems (3)
2. Coconut small plants with weak stems that creep on the ground (4)
3. Herbs neem (5)
4. Creepers plant without branches (2)
5. Plants with branches big and tall plant (1)

Ls. 2 How Plants are Useful

Day 1:
New Words :

medicines, perfumes, surroundings, colourful, tulsi, turnip, grains, turnip,

Questions and answers :

1. What do we get from plants?
A. We get food, wood, oil, paper, rubber, medicines, perfumes, fibre for clothes etc from plants.

2. How are plants useful to us?
A. Plants are useful to us in many ways. They give us shade. They keep the air clean and fresh. They make our surroundings and beautiful. They also give us food, medicines etc.

3. Name two medicinal plants.
A. Tulsi and eucalyptus/mint are the two medicinal plants.

4. Name three root vegetables that you eat.
A. We eat the roots of plants like carrot, beet root and turnip.

Day 2:
New Words :
cocoa, eucalyptus, fibre,

Questions and answers :

5. Name two plants that give us scent.
A. Rose and jasmine are the two plants that give us scent.

6. Which plant is used in making paper?
A. Bamboo plant is used in making paper.

Day 3:
New Words :
ornamental, sack, ropes, decoration, spinach, cabbage.

Questions and answers :

7. Name two ornamental plants.
A. Croton and money plant are two ornamental plants.

Fill in the blanks : (Refer Reader Pg. 142)
True or False : (Refer Reader Pg. 142)

Match the following ;
1. root rice (5)
2. leaf carrot (1)
3. stem ginger (3)
4. fruit spinach (2)
5. seed papaya (4)


Plants give us:

medicines rubber
scent oil
fibre paper
wood fruits
food grains vegetables

Classification of plants and their Uses
Food grains Eg. Wheat Maize
Fruits Eg. Mango, Apple
Oil Eg. Sunflower, Ground nut
Beverage Eg. Coffee, Tea
Medicine Eg. Tulsi, Eucalyptus
Perfume Eg. Rose, Jasmine
Wood and Furniture Eg. Teak, Shisham
Bamboo Eg. Paper
Fibre Eg. Cotton, Jute

Ls. 3 Domestic Animals

Day 1 :

New words :
domestic, farm, helpful, curd, butter, ghee
Questions and answers :

1. What are domestic animals? Give examples.
A. The animals that are kept at home or at the farm are called domestic animals. They are helpful to us in many ways. Eg: cow, dog, cat, horse etc.

2. Name three things made from milk.
A. The three things that are made from milk are curd, butter and ghee.

3. Name two animals that give us eggs.
A. The two animals that give us eggs are hen and duck.

Day 2:

New words:
woollen, cocoon, leather, load, veterinary

Questions and answers :

4. Name a few animals that carry loads for us.
A. Bull, donkey, horse, camel and elephant carry loads for us.

1. Name any three:
1. Pet animals :
(a) cat (b) dog (c) rabbit

2. Domestic animals :
(a) cow (b) goat (c) sheep

3. ‘Beasts of burden’
(a) oxen (b) horse (c) camel

Fill in the blanks : (Refer Reader pg. 149)

Choose the correct answers:

1. We get honey from _____ (b)
(a) sheep (b) honey bees (c) leather

2. _________ and cats are common pets. (c)
(a) Lion (b) vulture (c) dogs

3. ________ and camels carry load for us. (b)
(a) tigers (b) elephants (c) monkeys

Day 3:
4. Animals that are sick should be taken to a ________ hospital. (b)
(a) medical (b) veterinary (c) parlour

5. The skin of some animals is used as _______ (b)
(a) manure (b) leather (c) fuel

Match the following :

1. sheep ship of the desert (5)
2. silk worm butter (3)
3. cow silk saree (2)
4. crocodile sweater (1)
5. camel belt (4)

Activity : Draw the things which we get from the following animals.

Domestic animal Things we get

1. Hen gives us Egg
2. Cow gives us Milk
3. Goat gives us Meat
4. Sheep gives us Wool

Ls. 4 Wild Animals

New Words :
jungle, cheetah, jackal, vulture, cave, den, ground, burrows, nest.

Questions and answers :

1. What are wild animals? Give examples.
A. Animals that live in a jungle are called wild animals. Eg. lion, tiger, etc.

2. Name three flesh eating animals.
A. The three flesh eating animals are lion, tiger and wolf.

3. Where does a lion live?
A. Lion lives in a den.

Fill in the blanks : (Refer Reader Pg. 154)

True or False :
1. All wild animals have different food. (True)
2. Animals cannot make their own food. (True)
3. Animals eat the same kind of food. (False)

Day 2:
hippopotamus, bear, hyena, flesh.

Questions and answers:

4. Where do rabbits live?
A. Rabbits make burrows in the ground and live in them.

5. Where do birds live?
A. Birds make their nests and live in them.

6. Name two animals which eat both flesh and plants.
A. Animals that eat both flesh and plants are bear and crow.

True or False :

4. The deer is a domestic animal. (False)
5. Snakes live in holes of trees. (True)

Choose the correct word :

1. Wild animals live in _______ (a)
(a) forest (b) farm (c) park

2. Deer and elephants are ______ eating animals. (c)
(a) flesh (b) insects (c) grass

Day 3:
Choose the correct word :

3. ______ feed on remains of dead animals. (d)
(a) giraffe (b) snake (c) Lion (d) vultures

4. Animals like lion, tiger live in ___ (a)
(a) dens (b) burrows (c) homes

Match the following:
1. Vulture eats plants (4)
2. Lion eats dead animals (1)
3. Bear kills other animals (2)
4. Zebra eats insects (5)
5. Frog eats both plants and animals (3)
6. Animals that live on trees are crocodile, alligators (7)
7. Animals that live in water are monkey, squirrels (6)

Activity :
Guess who am I and where do I live?
1. I have stripes on my body and I’m a national animal, who am I? - I am a Tiger and I live in a Den.
2. I am the king of the jungle and I live in cave, who am I? – I am a Lion.
3. I am the biggest land animal and I live in the forest, who am I? – I am an Elephant.
4. I live in water and I’m the biggest aquatic animal, who am I? – I am a Whale.
5. I crawl on the ground and I can hiss, who am I? – I am a Snake.
Reader Pg. 156

Activity by students:
Animal - Food - Living place
Eg: Lion Meat Den
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Class II
Science Term – II


Day 1:

New words :

bones, muscles, joint, heart, lungs, brain, support, shape, eyelids, lungs, stomach, continuously.

Questions and answers :

1. What do bones and muscles give to the body?
A. Bones and muscles give shape and support to our body.

2. How many bones and muscles are there in our body?
A. There are 206 bones and more than 600 muscles in our body.

3. What is a joint?
A. The place where two bones meet or join is called a joint.

Fill in the blanks :

1. Our body gets shape and support due to bones and muscles.
2. Bones and muscles are covered by skin.
3. The movement of body parts is due to muscles.
4. Bones protect some important parts of our body like heart, lungs, brain etc.

Name any two :

1. small muscles – eyelids, nose
2. big muscles – thighs, arms
3. small bones – fingers and toes
4. big bones – legs, hands

Day 2 :

New words :

exercise, regular, posture, correct, erect, against, swing, knee, ankles.

Questions and answers :

4) What is a posture?
A. A posture is a position in which we hold our body while standing, sitting, walking and sleeping.

Fill in the blanks :

1. Our body parts work properly when we use correct posture.
2. Bones and muscles become strong when we exercise regularly.
3. We must use correct posture while standing, sitting and walking.


Day 1:

New words :

energy, healthy, proteins, products, pulses, minerals, vitamins, protect, diseases.

Questions and answers :

1. Why do we need food?
A. We need food to grow and to be healthy. It provides us energy to do work.

2. Name three foods which help us to grow.
A. 1) Milk 2) Pulses 3) Nuts

3. Name three foods which give us energy.
A. 1) Rice 2) Wheat 3) Milk products

4. Name three foods which protect us from diseases.
A. 1) Fruits 2) Vegetables 3) Milk

Fill in the blanks :
1. Food gives us energy.
2. We must eat nutritive food to stay healthy.
3. We must eat different kinds of food.
4. We cannot live without food.
5. Fruits and Vegetables protect our body from diseases.

Day 2 :

New words :
stale, hawkers, rinse, tired, breakfast, dinner, lunch, brunch, uncovered, filtered, boiled.

Questions and answers :
Q. Write three good food habits.
A. 1) We must eat clean and fresh food.
2) We must wash our hands before and after meals.
3) We must eat slowly and chew well.

Fill in the blanks :
1. We should wash our hands before and after eating.
2. We must eat at regular intervals.
3. We should not eat uncovered food.

Activity :
1) Write 5 items of each of what you would prefer for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2) Write your and your family members food timings.
3) Draw the different kinds of food :
Energy food (3 items)
Growth food (3 items)
Healthy food (3 items)


New words :
accidents, footpath, traffic, zebra crossing, queue.

Question and Answers :

1. Where should we cross the road?
A. We should cross the road at the zebra crossing.

2. Why should we follow safety rules?
A. We should follow safety rules to avoid accidents.

3. Where should we walk?
A. We should walk on the footpath.

Day 2 :

New words :

breakable, tease, sharp, shelves, electrical, treatment, report, first-aid.

Questions and answers :

1. Where should we play?
A. We should play in open grounds and parks.

2. What should we do when we get hurt?
A. When we get hurt, we must tell our parents or elders about the injury.

3. What is first aid?
A. The treatment given to an injured person before the arrival of a doctor is called first aid.

Fill in the blanks : Refer pg. 123 in the reader.

True or False :

1. Do not play on the streets or roads. (True)
2. Do not climb the windows and shelves. (True)
3. Walk on the left side of the road. (False)

Activity :- 1. Draw a First-aid box and write what does it contain?
1. Draw a Traffic signal and write few lines about it –
There are three lights in a traffic signal.
Red says – stop
Amber says – get ready and
Green says – go.


Day 1 :

New words :
Permanent, flat, bricks, pucca, apartments, multi storeyed.

Answer the following :
1. How does a house protect us?
A. A house protects us from heat, cold, rain, storms, wild animals and thieves.

2. What are permanent houses?
A. Houses that are built with stones, bricks and cement and which last for a long time are called permanent houses. Eg: Apartments, Bungalow.

Day 2 :

New words :
temporary, semi-circular, caravans, shifted, Kashmir, Eskimos, igloos.

Questions and answers :
3. What are temporary houses?
A. The houses that are built with bamboo, straw mud and last for a short time are called temporary houses. Eg: Hut.

4. Name 3 temporary houses.
A. 1)Thatched house 2) Igloo 3) Hut.

Activity :
Draw a Permanent house(pucca house), Temporary house (kutcha house) and an Igloo.

Day 3 :

New words :
drainage, ventilation, possible, tidy.

Questions and answers :
5. Why should we have ventilators in our houses?
A. We should have proper ventilators to let the bad air out.

6. Why do houses in hilly areas have sloping roofs?
A. The houses built in hilly areas have sloping roofs for the rain water and snow to slide down.

Fill in the blanks : Refer Pg. 129 in the reader.

* * *

Sub : Science Class II Term– III

Ls. No. 9 The Air Around Us

Day 1:

New words :

water vapour, smoke, steam, boils, evaporation, surface.

Questions and answers :

1) What does air contain?
A) Air contains some gases, water vapour, smoke, dust and germs.

Day 2 :

New words :

dust particles, germs, smoke, diseases, impure, sneeze, contaminated.

Questions and answers :

2) Write three sources from where smoke comes.
A) 1. Factories 2. Houses 3. Vehicles

3) Where should we play?
A) We should play in open grounds and parks.

4) What type of air should we breathe?
A) We should breathe in fresh air.

5) What should we do to get more fresh air?
A) We must grow plants around our houses to get more fresh air.

Fill in the blanks : Refer pg. 104 and 105 in the reader.

Ls. 10 The Moving Air

New words :

direction, breeze, softly, opposite, storms, gales, damage, uproot.

Questions and answers :

1) What is moving air called?
A) The moving air is called wind.

2) What is slow moving air called?
A) The slow moving air is called breeze.

3) How are storms harmful?
A) Storms can cause a lot of damage to houses, crops, trees and animals. They can even uproot trees and poles.

Day 2 :

New words :
rotating, wind mills, pumping, corn mills, weather, temperature, gliders, windy

Questions and answers :

4) How is strong wind useful?
A) Strong wind is useful in rotating wind mills, for pumping water and for running corn mills.

5) What is weather?
A) The change in temperature from day to day, is called weather.

Fill in the blanks and True or False – Refer Pg. 108 in the reader.

Ls: 11 (Deleted)

Ls. 12 Forms for Water

Day 1 :

New words :

natural, substance, liquid solid, freezer, melting.

Questions and answer :

1) Name the three forms of water.
A) Solid, liquid and gas are the three forms of water.

2) What is evaporation?
A) The process of changing water into water vapour due to heat is called evaporation.

Day 2 :

New words :

gaseous, touching, condensation, cooling

Questions and answers :

3) What is condensation?
A) The process of changing water vapour into water due to cooling is called condensation.

Day 3 :

New words :

evaporates, condenses, dust particles, clouds, water cycle.

Questions and answers :

4) Describe the water cycle.
A. Water from ponds, lakes and seas evaporates due to sun’s heat and form clouds. When the cool
winds pass these clouds, they condense and come down as rain. This process is continuous and is
called the water cycle.

Fill in the blanks :

Refer pg. 116 in the reader.

Activity :
1) Draw water cycle.
2) Forms of water.

Ls. 13 Rocks

Day 1:

New words :
underneath, granite, marble, diamond, graphite, statue, Taj Mahal, hardest, expensive.

Questions and Answers :

1) Name two hard rocks.
A) Granite and diamond are the two hard rocks.

2) Which rock is used in making jewellery?
A) Diamond is used in making jewellery.

Day 2 :

New words :
sandstone, Red Fort, turbines, graphite, layers, manufacturing, pottery, minerals.

Questions and answers :

1) Name three soft rocks.
A) Lime stone, sand stone and clay are three soft rocks.

2) How is coal used?
A) Coal is used in running steam engines, in turbines to produce electricity and also as a fuel in homes.

Fill in the blanks :

Refer Pg. 120 and 121 in the reader.

Match the following :

Refer pg. 121 in the reader.

Ls. 14 The Sun and the Shadows

Day 1:

New words :
gases, weather, warmer, dries up, presence, ripened.

Questions and answers :

1) What is the sun made of?
A) The sun is made up of hot glowing gases.

2) What does the sun give us?
A) The sun gives us heat and light.

3) How do plants prepare their food?
A) Plants prepare their food in the presence of sunlight.

Day 2 :

New Words :
shadow, object, direction, moonlight.

Questions and answers :

4) How are shadows formed?
A) Shadows are formed when light cannot pass through an object.

5) When are shadows long?
A) Shadows are very long in the morning and in the evening.

Fill in the blanks :

Refer page 124 in the reader.

Activity :- Draw
1.Formation of a shadow.
2.Shadows at different parts of the day.

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