Class: III Term – I Sub: Social Studies
Ls. 1. Solar System
Answers for the Reader exercises.
Fill in the blanks :
a) messenger, first
b) love and beauty
c) war
d) king
e) agriculture
f) heavens
g) seas
h) underworld
True or False :
a) False
b) True
c) True
d) True
e) False
f) False
g) True
h) False
i) False
j) True
Match the following :
a) Venus red planet (d)
b) Pluto largest planet [c]
c) Jupiter smallest planet (b)
d) Mars seven rings (e)
e) Saturn hottest and brightest planet (a)
Answer the following :-
a) Describe the sun.
A. The Sun is the centre of the Solar System. The Sun is a ball of burning gases. It is the nearest star to the Earth.
b) What is a planet?
A. A planet is a very large round object that revolves around the Sun. They do not twinkle. They do not have light or heat of their own. The Earth is a planet.
c) What is a moon? Name the six planets which have moons.
A. Moon is a heavenly body that revolves around the planet. It is round in shape. It
doesn’t have its own light. It reflects Sun’s light. The six planets which have moons
are Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
d) What is the Solar System?
A. The Sun along with the eight planets and their moons make up the solar system.
e) Name the eight planets of the solar system.
A. The nine planets in the order of increasing distance from the sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
f) What is the difference between stars and planets?
A. Stars Planets
1) Stars are self luminescent, 1) Planets are not self luminescent,
They give their own light. They only reflect the light of the sun.
2) Stars will not move from their 2) Planets will revolve around the sun.
own places.
g) What is the path on which a planet travels called?
A. The path on which a planet travels around the sun is called an orbit.
h) Name two planets that do not have moons.
A. Mercury and Venus do not have moons.
i) Why is the planet Mercury so hot?
A. Mercury is very close to the Sun. So, it is very hot.
j) How does the light of the sun help us?
A. The sunlight helps the plants to prepare their own food. It is the only source of energy for all the living things. Life cannot go on without sunlight.
k) What makes planet Earth suitable for life?
A. Earth is the third planet – neither very close nor very far from the Sun, So, it is
neither too hot nor cold, which makes the planet Earth suitable for life.
Lesson no : 2
Important Latitudes :
0° - Equator
23½° North - Tropic of Cancer
23½° South – Tropic of Capricorn
66½° North – Arctic Circle
66½° South – Antarctic Circle
90° North – North pole
90° South – South pole
Important Longitudes or Meridians :
0° - Greenwich or Prime Meridian
180° - International Date Line
Latitudes : 180
Longitudes : 360.Answers for the Reader exercises :
Fill in the blanks :
a) Planet we live in
b) Centre, poles
c) Land
d) Oceans
e) Poles
Match the following :
1) f
2) c
3) d
4) e
5) a
6) b
Answer the following :
a) What is a globe?
A. A globe is a model of the Earth.
b) Which parts of the globe are shaded in brown and blue?
A. Land surfaces on the earth are shown in brown colour and water bodies are shown in blue colour on the globe.
c) What is the Earth’s axis?
A. The axis is an imaginary line that runs through the centre of the Earth.
d) What are continents?
A. Continents are very large areas of land on the Earth’s surface.
e) What are oceans?
A. Oceans are very large masses of water bodies on the surface of the Earth.
f) What is an Equator?
A. Equator is the biggest horizontal line (latitude) that divides the Earth into two equal halves.
g) What are hemispheres?
A. The upper part of the Earth above the Equator is called the Northern Hemisphere and the lower part below the Equator is called the Southern Hemisphere.
h) Name the seven continents.
A. There are seven continents on the Earth namely 1.Asia, 2.Africa, 3.North America, 4.South America, 5.Europe, 6.Antarctica and 7.Australia.
i) Name the five main oceans.
A. The five main oceans are the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian ocean, the Arctic ocean and the Antarctic ocean.
j) What is an atlas?
A. A book of maps or charts is called an atlas.
k) How do maps help us?
A. Maps help us to find and locate places in the world.
i) What is the difference between a globe and a map?
A. The following are the differences between a globe and a map.
1. A globe is a model of the Earth and shows us how the Earth looks like.
2. Globes are too small to show the details of a specific place.
3. Globe is spherical in shape.
1. A map is a drawing of the surface of the Earth.
2. Maps can show the whole Earth or parts of it clearly.
3. Map is flat like the paper in books.
3. Early Man
Answers for the Reader exercises :
Fill in the blanks : (Pg. 129)
a) rough and harsh
b) weapons
c) tools
d) skin of animals
e) caves
True or False : (Pg. 129)
a) True
b) False
c) True
d) True
e) False
Answer the following: (Pg. 129)
a) Name three animals which roamed the Earth three million years ago.
A. Animals like Mammoths, Hyenas and Cave Lions roamed the Earth three million years ago.
b) Describe the life of early man.
A. 1.Early man lived a very rough and harsh life. 2. He was a gatherer. 3. He ate wild fruits, roots and raw meat. 4. In the stone age, the early man made tools and weapons out of stone. 5.When he became a hunter, he began to travel in groups. 6.Early man did not stay in one place very long, but was always on the move in search of food.
c) Was early man a gatherer? Give reasons for your answer.
A. Yes, Early man was a gatherer. He ate mostly fruits and roots. Therefore, he moved from one place to another in search of food.
d) How did early man protect himself against animals?
A. Early man lived in caves to protect himself against animals.
e) What marks the beginning of the stone age?
A. Making of simple digging tools from stones and bones marks the beginning of the stone age.
f) Describe the clothes early man wore.
A. Early man wore skin of animals to cover himself and protect himself against cold and rain.
g) Why did early man start travelling in groups?
A. While hunting, early man began to travel in groups instead of going alone for protection and efficiency.
h) What did the size of the group depend on?
A. The size of the group depended upon the amount of food available.
i) Why was early man always on the move?
A. Early man did not stay in one place very long but was always on the move, in search of food.
4. Discovery of fire
Answers for Reader exercises :
Fill in the blanks : (Pg. 131)
a) lightning
b) fire
c) cook
d) wild animals
e) warm
True or False : (Pg. 131)
a) False
b) True
c) True
d) True
Answer the following : (Pg. 131)
a) How did early man discover fire?
A. Early man used stones to make tools and weapons. During that time, accidentally, a spark must have caused by rubbing two stones. This led to the discovery of fire.
b) Why was early man afraid of fire in the beginning?
A. Early man was afraid of fire in the beginning as he didn’t know that fire existed. Lightning during storms frightened him. Sometimes, due to this lightning, trees caught fire. This also scared him.
c) What did early man use fire for, initially?
A. Early man used fire initially to keep wild animals away.
d) How did early man start using fire for cooking?
A. Early man used fire to cook food. Accidentally pieces of meat may have fallen into the fire and got roasted. Early man may have found the soft, roasted pieces of meat tasty and thereafter began to use fire for cooking.
e) What is the importance of fire in our lives today?
A. We use fire everyday in our daily lives. It is used for cooking, lighting etc.
5. The story of farming
Answer for the Reader exercises :
Fill in the blanks :
a) share the food
b) seeds
c) till, sow
d) settled man
e) animals
f) grunts and sounds
True or False :
a) True
b) False
c) True
d) True
e) False
Answer the following :
a) When early man began to move in groups, what did he learn?
A. When early man began to move in groups, he learnt to share the food that he collected with his companions.
b) How did early man learn to grow things?
A. Early man noticed that plants grew from seeds. He collected seeds and then buried them in the soil. Sometimes they grew into plants. He began to till the Earth and sow seeds. He waited for the crops to grow. Thus, early man discovered farming.
c) How did the discovery of farming change early man’s life?
A. After the discovery of farming, early man learnt to grow his own food so that he did not have to wander around looking for food. Early man settled mostly along rivers as he needed fertile land and water for farming. He began to clear some of the land and grow crops for his use. In this way, farming changed early man from being a wanderer to a settled man.
d) Were animals useful to early man? Give reasons.
A. Yes, animals were useful to early man in many ways. He used oxen to plough the land. He used cows and goats for their milk. He used donkeys and horses to carry loads of firewood and other things. He trained dogs to guard his property.
e) Why did early man want to communicate with other people?
A.Earlyman started living close to other people. This made the early man want to communicate with others.
f) How did earlyman start talking? What did he learn later which helped him communicate in a better way?
A.Earlyman started talking with grunts and sounds, imitating the sounds of the animals he heard everyday. Slowly he made signs to make others understand what he wanted. From signs, he gradually learnt to draw pictures. He later learned to talk using sounds, imitating the animals and birds he heard everyday. He learnt to say small words at first and slowly began to use bigger words.
6. Discovery of Wheel
Answers for Reader Exercises :
Fill in the blanks :
a) transport
b) down
c) tree trunks
d) water
e) heavy stones
True or False :
a) True
b) True
c) False
d) False
e) True
Answer the following :
a) Name three uses of a wheel.
1) Wheel is used for pottery.
2) It is used in vehicles and different machines like fans and watches.
3) It is used to draw water from wells.
b) Name three machines that use wheels.
A. Wheels are used in 1.Washing machines, 2. Air coolers, 3. Fans, etc.
c) What was early man’s means of transport before the wheel was invented?
A. Early man used to travel on foot from place to place. He carried his goods on his back. He tamed same animals like horses, donkeys, cows and bullocks and used these animals to transport his goods.
d) How was the wheel invented?
A. Early man noticed that logs could move down the slopes easily. He used tree trunks to transport his goods down hill. Then, he cut tree trunks into round pieces of same size and fitted them below his cart. Thus, the wheel was invented.
* * *
Term – II Sub: Social Studies
Ls. 1. Our India
New words :
1) subcontinent 2) majority 3) approximately 4) geographical features
5) Myanmar 6) terrains 7) Palk Strait
Questions and Answers :
1. What is the Indian Subcontinent?
Ans. Indian Subcontinent is the large area, occupied by India and her neighbouring countries, in the southern part of Asia.
Answers for Fill in the blanks : (Page. 132)
Bits (a) : Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Tibet and Sri Lanka.
Bit (b) : Sub continent.
Bit (c) : Sri Lanka.
New words :
1) Himalayas 2) Coimbatore 3) Northern Hemisphere
4) Equator 5) Southern Hemisphere.
Question & Answer :
2.What are the physical features that India has?
Ans. India is a large country with varied physical features. It has 1.Mountains like Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western and Eastern Ghats. 2.Plains like Indo – Gangetic Plain, 3.Plateaus like Deccan Plateau 4.Deserts like Thar desert. 5. Rivers like Ganga, Godavari, etc.
Answers for Fill in the blanks : (Page. 132)
Bits (d) : Northern
Bits (e) : Southern
True or False :
Equator divides our country into two equal parts. – (False)
Indian Ocean is to the South of India – (True)
Tamil Nadu lies in the Southern part of India. – (True)
New Words :
Questions and Answers :
3.Describe the Himalayas?
Himalayas lie to the north of India.
Himalayan ranges are very high.
They act as a natural barrier to protect us from enemies.
They stop the cold Siberian winds from blowing into our country.
Write three sentences about the coastline of India.
Ans. India has a long coastline to its east and west. Therefore, many traders have been coming to India for trade. Gujarat has the longest coast line.
4.How many groups of islands does India have?
Ans. India has two groups of islands.
Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea.
Andaman and Nicobar islands in the Bay of Bengal.
Match the following : (Pg. 132)
Answers : b, a, d, c.
True or False :
Tamil Nadu lies in the Northern part of India – (False)
Bay of Bengal is to the East. – (True)
Ls. No. 2 Mountains of India
New Words :
Bolan pass
Rohtang pass
Question and Answers :
5.How long and how wide are the Himalayan ranges?
Ans. The height of Himalayas is 2500 km and width is 150 to 450 km.
Objectives : Fill in the blanks ;
Bit (a) : Khyber; Bolan.
Choose the correct answer :
1) ____________ pass in Manali is in India. (b)
a) Bolan b) Rohtang
New words :
Mount Everest
Godwin Austin
Question and Answer :-
6.Name two great rivers of India . Name their sources?
Ans: The two great rivers of India are :-
Ganga – Its source is in Gangotri.
Yamuna – Its source is in Yamunotri.
Fill in the blanks :- Pg – 137
Bits - (b) - K2 -
(c) -Himalayas
Name the following :- Pg – 138
Bits - (b) – Himadri range
(c) - Glaciers
New words :
Questions and Answers :
7. Name the countries that the Himalayan mountains separate India from?
Ans. Himalayan mountains separate India from the countries like Tibet, China and Myanmar.
8.Describe the features of Central India?
Ans : (a) It is a plateau.
(b) The Vindhya and the Satpura mountains divide Central India into Malwa
plateau and Deccan plateau.
Fill in the Blanks : - Pg – 137
Bits - (d) – Shiwalik
(e)– swamp
Name the following : - Pg - 138
Bits – (a) – Doons
(c) – Shimla
(d) - Deccan Plateau
(e) - Vindhya
New words : -
Western ghats
Eastern ghats
Tapti valley
Question and Answers : -
9.. Describe the Western and Eastern ghats?
Ans : (a) Western and Eastern ghats are a chain of mountains.
(b) They run along the Western and Eastern coast of India and
(c) Both meet in the Nilgiri mountains.
Choose the correct answer : -
1) The Vindhya and Satpura mountains are in ……………. India. ( a )
(a) Central (b) Northern
New Words : -
river banks
Question and Answers :
1. Where do rivers start flowing from ?
Ans : The rivers start flowing from the mountain peaks, when the snow melts.
2. Why are rivers important ?
Ans : Rivers are important because : -
They provide water for drinking and irrigation
They form fertile soil.
Fill in the blanks : - Pg – 142
Bits – (a) – rivers
- fertile
New words :
1) tributary 2) Hooghly 3) Gangotri 4) Bhagirathi
5) Alaknanda 6) Ghaghara
Question and Answers :
3]Through which states does the river Ganga flow?
Ans. River Ganga flows through Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
4]How does the Hooghly river help the port of Kolkata?
Ans. Ships can be navigated in the river Hooghly in Kolkata, to reach the Bay of Bengal.
Fill in the blanks : Pg. 142.
Bits – (c) Ganga
New words :
1) Sangam 2) Manasarovar 3) Zangbo 4) Tsang Po
5) Jhelum 6) Triambak 7) Mahabaleshwar
Question and Answer :
5]Which are the two rivers that flow through Maharashtra and into the Arabian Sea?
Ans. The Narmada and the Tapi are the two rivers that flow through Maharashtra and join the Arabian Sea.
Fill in the blanks : Pg. 142.
Bit (e) – Yamunotri.
Name the following : Pg. 143 Bits
Zangbo river
Narmada, Tapti rivers
New words :
1) Talai 2) Madikeri 3) Kaveri Poompattinam
4) Vaigai 5) Thamarapani
Question and Answer :
6]What is a delta?
Ans. A delta is a rich triangular land formed near the mouth of a river.
Name the following : Pg. 143
Bit (b) – Punjab
Match the following : Pg. 142
Answers : b, c, d, e, a
Ls. No. 4 Political Divisions
New words :
Question and Answer :
1.Write a few lines on Delhi.
Delhi is India’s capital.
Old Delhi and New Delhi are its two parts.
It has President’s house and office.
Jama Masjid and the Red Fort are the famous monuments.
Name the following : Pg. 151
Jammu and Kashmir
Tamil Nadu
New Delhi
New words :
1) Karakoram 2) Nanga Parbat 3) orchard
4) lychees – fruit 5) Manali
Question and Answer :
2]Describe the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Srinagar is the capital of Jammu and Kashmir.
Dal lake and Gul Marg are the important tourist attractions.
It has the highest mountain peak, K2.
d House boats can be seen in Jammu & Kashmir.
3]Write few lines on Himachal Pradesh.
Shimla is the capital of Himachal Pradesh.
It is called the ‘Orchard of India’.
Kullu and Manali are its famous hill stations.
Name the following : Pg. 151.
Bit (d) – Himachal Pradesh.
New Words :
1] Chandigarh
2] Amritsar
3] Indo- Gangetic plain
4] Uttaranchal
5] orchard
Name the following :- Pg. – 151
Bits – (e) – Haryana
(f) - Uttaranchal
True or False :
1] After independence, a part of Punjab went to Pakistan - True
2] Mount Abu is in Mandhya Pradesh - False
Match the following : Pg – 152
Answers : e, a , d, b, c
New Words :
1] Pink City
2] turbuns
3] bird sanctuary
4] Porbandar
5] Ophthalmologist
Question and Answer :
4] Write a few lines on Uttar Pradesh.
A]1. Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh.
2] It has a great history.
3] World famous the Taj Mahal is in Agra.
Name the following:pg-151
Bits – (g) - Uttar Pradesh
[h] - Rajasthan
[i] - Gujarat
New Words :
1] Gwalior
2] Khajuraho
3] Gonds
4] Bauxite
5] Bhilai
6] Bilaspur
Question and Answer : -
5] Describe the state that is right in the middle of India?
Ans. :
1] Madhya Pradesh is located in the middle of India.
2] Bhopal is its capital.
3] Khajuraho is its main attraction.
4] Tropic of Cancer passes through it.
Name the following : - Pgs – 151, 152
Bits – [ j ] - Madhya Pradesh
[ k ] - Chattisgarh
New words :
1] Adivasi
2] Mount Parasnath
3] Hazaribagh
4] Bodh gaya
5] Barauni
6] refinery
Question and Answer :
6] Name the newly – formed states?
Ans. : Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
Name the following :- Pg – 152
Bit – [ L ] - Bihar
New Words :
1] Rabindranath Tagore
2] Kolkata
3] Jagannath temple
4] Konark
5] handicrafts
* LS – 5 – The Northeastern states of India ( Deleted )
LS – 6 Maharashtra, Goa and the Southern States
New Words :
1] food – processing
2] Portuguese
3] Tropical
Question and Answer : - Nil –
Fill in the blanks : pg. – 165
Bits [a] - Goa
[b] - Fish
[c) - Jagannath ; Konarak
[d] - Forest
True or False :
1] Capital of Goa is Panaji – True
2] Bangalore is the capital of Maharashtra – False.
New Words :
1] advancing
2] Tungabhadra
3] Amba Vilas
4] Brindavan gardens
5] Gomateswara
6] Shravanabelagola
Question and Answer : -
1] Describe the state of Karnataka.
Ans. :
[a] Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka.
[b] Kaveri, Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers flow through this state.
[c] It is famous for its natural beauty and wild life
[d] It has the world’s tallest statue – Gomateswara.
2] Why is Bangalore called the Garden City ?
Ans. : Bangalore is called the Garden City because it has many parks and gardens like Lal Bagh, Cubban Park etc.
Fill in the blanks : - Pg - 165
Bit [e] - Mysore.
Name the following : - Pg – 165
Bit [a] - Silicon Valley.
New Words :
1] Visakhapatnam
2] Telengana
3] historically
4] Salar Jung Museum
5] archaeology
6] antiques
Question and Answer : -
3] What are the main attractions of the Salar Jung Museum?
Ans. : The main attractions of the Salar Jung Museum are rare paintings, old clocks sculptures etc.
Name the following : Pg – 165
Bits - [b] – Godavari and Krishna
[c] - Kerala
[d] - God’s own country
True or False :
1] Telengana Plateau is in Madhya Pradesh - False
2] Garden City is Bangalore - True
Day – 4
New Words :
1] Bharat Natyam
2] Carnatic music
3] Bruhadeeshwara temple
4] Meenakshi Temple
5] Dravidians
6] Todas
7] Badagas
8] Kurumbas
9] Irulas
Question and Answer :
4] What are the main occupations of India’s Southern States?
Ans. : Agriculture, fishing, sugar milling and salt drying are the main occupations of
India’s Southern States.
Name the following : Pg. – 165
Bit - [e] – Gomateswara statue.
Deleted :- (Question – [e] – locations of the states]
Match the following : - Pg. – 164
Answers – b, a, e, g, h, f, d, j, c, i.
* LS – 7 Union Territorries)
LS – 8 Unity in Diversity {deleted}
Class – III Sub: Social Studies
1. Andhra Pradesh – Our State
Answer the following questions: -
Q1. How many districts are there in Andhra Pradesh? Name any five.
Ans. There are 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh. Some of them are: - Hyderabad, Anantapur, Nellore, Warangal and Visakhapatnam.
Q2. Name the three main regions of Andhra Pradesh.
Ans. The three main regions of Andhra Pradesh are the Coastal Andhra region, the Rayalaseema region and the Telengana region .
Q3. Name five crops grown in Andhra Pradesh.
Ans. The five crops grown in Andhra Pradesh are rice, maize, ragi, jowar and tobacco.
Q4. Why is Visakhapatnam famous?
Ans. Visakhapatnam is famous because it has a major port. It is an important naval centre and an industrial hub.
Q5. What are the main industries of the state?
Ans. The main industries of Andhra Pradesh are steel, software, ship building, machinery, cement, sugar refining, fertilizers, chemicals and jute processing.
Q6. Name four large companies of Andhra Pradesh: -
Ans. Four large companies of Andhra Pradesh are :
1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL),
2. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories,
3. Vizag Shipyard
4. Indian Tobacco Company [ITC]
Fill in the blanks.
a. Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh.
b. Mahendragiri is the highest mountain in Andhra Pradesh.
c. The two main rivers of Andhra Pradesh are Godavari and Krishna.
d. Andhra Pradesh is divided into three main regions. They are the Coastal Andhra, the Rayalaseema and the Telengana region.
e. The monsoon months are from June to December in Andhra Pradesh.
f. The word ‘deccan’ means the South.
2. Write T for True and F for False.
a. Punjabi is the main language spoken in Andhra Pradesh. [ False ]
b. Fishermen celebrate Eruvaka Purnima in Andhra Pradesh. [ False ]
c. 1st November is celebrated as State Formation Day in Andhra Pradesh. [ True ]
d. Manipuri is the classical dance of the state. [ False ]
e. The Golconda mines are in Andhra Pradesh. [ True ]
3. Match the following. (To be written by children after completing the lesson.)
a. Golconda port ( c )
b. Jhubba small industry ( d )
c. Visakhapatnam dhoti ( b )
d. Papads Telugu New Year ( e )
e. Ugadi Koh-i-noor ( a )
Describe three folk dances of the state.
Ans. The three folk dances of the state.
1. Peacock Dance: - Peacock dance is performed by Kondhs who live in hills of Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam .
2. Mango Dance: - Mango Dance is performed by Konda Reddis before the mango is harvested. They live in Khammam and East and West Godavari districts.
3. Lambadi Dance: - The dance of the Lambadis is known as the Lambadi Dance. Lambadis are called Banjaras or Sugalis.
Read the text book carefully and answer: -
1. Name any 2 neighbouring districts of
a) Nellore, b) Khammam.
2. Which region is the most fertile region among all the three?
3. _____________________ is the river which flows from Maharashtra through Karnataka and reaches Andhra Pradesh.
4. Which is the highest mountain of Andhra Pradesh?
5. The state formation day of Andhra Pradesh is on ________________.
* * *
2. Andhra Pradesh – Transport
New words: -
1. public transport 3. state highways 5. gravel
2. private transport 4. national highways
Answer the following questions: -
Q1. Why do we need transport?
Ans. We need transport to travel from one place to another and to send different things such as letters or parcels to different people.
Q2. What are highways?
Ans. Highways are wide roads built for fast travel between towns, cities and states.
New words: -
1. junctions 3. cargo ships 5.ship yard
2. cruise ships 4. passenger liners
Answer the following questions: -
Q3. What is a railway junction?
Ans. A railway junction is a place where a separate route or line, branches out from the main line.
Q4. Briefly describe the history of the Indian railways.
Ans. 1.India has a very well developed railway system. 2.The British started the first passenger train in India in the year 1853, from Bori Bunder to Mumbai.3.The Indian Railways is the second largest rail network in Asia and the third largest government – run rail network in the world.
Answer the following: -
Q5. What is the difference between Waterways and Airways?
Waterways are the oldest means of transport.
Airways are the latest and fastest means of transport.
A sea port is an area of water where ships stop to rest.
An airport is a place where aeroplanes arrive and leave.
Fill in the blanks: -
1. lorries and trucks.
2. superfast and express trains
3. Tirupathi
4. Vishakapatnam, Kakinada and Machilipatnam.
True or False: -
1. The oldest means of travel is by air. [False]
2. Tirupathi is an important railway junction. [True]
3. Shamshabad is an international airport. [True]
4. Superfast trains have many stops. [False]
5. National highways connect one state to another. [True]
Match the following: -
a. Guntakal national highway ( d )
b. Shamshabad railway junction ( a )
c. Tirupathi seaport ( e )
d. NH5 domestic airport ( c )
e. Vishakapatnam international airport ( b )
3. Andhra Pradesh -Important Places and Buildings
Answer the following: -
Q1. Where is the Charminar located? How many minars does it have?
Ans. Charminar is located in Hyderabad. It has four minars (pillars).
Do match the following in text book: -
a. Lepakshi temple 1591 ( b )
b. Charminar Largest Nandi ( a )
c. Asafjahis Kalapahad ( e )
d. Golconda fort Nizams ( c )
e. Birla Mandir 1525 ( d )
New words: -
1. barrage 3. outskirts
2. scheme
Answer the following: -
Q2. What is Prakasam Barrage? How long is it ?
Ans. Prakasam Barrage is one of the oldest and most important irrigation projects of South India. This barrage is 1000 metres long.
True or false:
1. Chalukyas came to power in the 3rd century B.C. False (It is not clearly mentioned in text book. But it is mentioned as ‘Satavahanas’ came to power in 3rd century BC Show this and make them understand).
2. Charminar was built by Emperor Ashoka. False [Charminar was built by
Quli Qutb shah].
3. The ‘Badshahi Hammam’ is situated in the compound
of the Qutub Shahi tombs. True
4. Hussain Sagar Lake is a man-made lake. True
5. Srikalahasti is famous for kalamkari textiles. True
Answer the following: -
Q3. What is Tirupati famous for?
Ans. Tirupati is famous for Venkateshwara temple, red wooden toys, copper and brass idols.
Q4. What is Silathoranam?
Ans. Silathoranam or the Roch Arch is a natural wonder located near Tirumala temple. It is believed to be the source of Lord Venkateshwara’s idol.
Q5. What is the most famous land mark of Visakhapatnam? Why is it so called?
Ans. The most famous land mark of Visakhapatnam is the dolphin’s nose. It is so called, because it has got a shape like a dolphine’s nose.
Fill in the blanks: -
1. The Charminar in Hyderabad is made of granite.
2. During the rule of Chandra Gupta Maurya, Andhra Pradesh became an independent kingdom.
3. The Kakatiya rulers had their capital at Warangal.
4. Temple, located on the Tirumala hills, is dedicated to Venkateshwara.
5. Qutub Shahi Tombs are a cluster of tombs.
6. The toy-making centre in Vijayawada is located in Kondapalli.
6.Describe three folk dances of the state.
Ans. The folk dances of Andhra Pradesh are:
1. Peacock Dance: - Peacock dance is performed by Kondhs who live in hills of Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam. . This dance is performed during weddings in the month of April.
2. Mango Dance: - Mango Dance is performed by Konda Reddis before the mango is harvested, in Khammam , East and West Godavari districts.
3. Lambadi Dance: - The dance of the Lambadis is known as the Lambadi Dance. Lambadis are also called Banjaras or Sugalis. This dance is based on harvesting, planting and sowing. .
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