Class I Term – I Science
Ls. 1 Plants around us
New words : branches, leaves, stem, roots, world, green, banyan, strong, straight, bushy, jasmine, ashoka, shrubs, climbers, creepers, thorns, cactus, lemon, pumpkin, enemies.
Questions and answers:
1. Name three trees.
A. 1. Mango tree 2. Ashoka tree 3. Coconut tree
2. Name the different parts of a plant.
A. A plant has roots, stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
3. Name some shrubs.
A. Shoe flower, jasmine and rose are some shrubs.
4. What are climbers?
A. Climbers are the plants that have weak stems and need support to stand and grow.
5. What are shrubs?
A. The bushy and small plants are called shrubs.
6. Name three herbs.
A. 1) Tomato 2) Paddy 3) Brinjal.
7. Name two water plants.
A. 1) Lotus 2) Water lily
Fill in the blanks : (Pg. No. 107)
1. Plants that crawl along the ground are called creepers.
2. Grapevine is a climber.
Write True or False : (Pg. No. 108)
1. Watermelon is a creeper. (True)
2. The mango tree is a herb. (False)
3. Rose is a shrub. (True)
4. Lotus is a water plant. (True)
5. Grapevine is a tree. (False)
Match the following :
1. shrub bean (3)
2. herb rose (1)
3. climber paddy (2)
4. creeper ashoka (5)
5. tree pumpkin (4)
Ls. 2 Many plants grow from seeds
New words : flowers, marigold, vegetables, papaya, bengal gram, fruits, pomegranate, sunlight, cherries, watermelon.
Questions and answers:
1. Where do fruits come from?
A. Fruits come from flowers.
2. Name the four things a seed needs to grow into a plant.
A. A seed needs air, water, soil and sunlight to grow into a plant.
3. Name some one seeded fruits.
A. Mango, cherry, plum and peach are some one seeded fruits.
4. Name some many seeded fruits.
A. Watermelon, papaya and orange are some many seeded fruits.
5. What does a seed contain?
A. A seed contains a baby plant and some food inside it.
Fill in the blanks : (Pg. No. 113)
1. The flowers grow into fruits.
2. Fruits have seeds inside them.
3. A seed has food for the baby plant inside it.
True or False :
1. Flowers are of different shapes, sizes and colours. (True)
2. Air, water and sunlight help the baby plant to grow. (True)
3. Plants give us fruits and vegetables. (True)
Choose the correct answer :
1. Jasmine is a _________. (a)
(a) flower (b) fruit (c) vegetable
2. Plant needs ___________ to live. (c)
(a) air (b) water (c) both
3. Baby plant contains - (c)
(a) seed (b) fruit (c) none
Match the following :
1. plant one seeded fruit (3)
2. water melon seed (1)
3. plum many seeded fruit (2)
4. banana flower (5)
5. marigold fruit (4)
Ls. 3 - Plants give us food
New words :
grains, maize, paddy, mustard, pulses, cloves, turmeric, pepper, ginger, coffee, bamboo, turnip, groundnut.
Questions and answers:
1. Name three food grains.
A. 1. Maize 2. Wheat 3. Gram
2. Name three vegetables.
A. 1. Tomato 2. Lady’s finger 3. Brinjal
3. Name three fruits.
A. 1. Banana 2, Grapes 3. Apple
4. Name three pulses.
A. 1. Green gram 2. Peas 3. Red Gram
5. Name three spices.
A. 1. Turmeric 2. Pepper 3. Cloves
Fill in the blanks : (Pg. No. 118)
1. Wheat is a food grain.
2. Grape is a fruit.
3. Lady’s fingers are vegetables.
4. Turnip is a vegetable.
5. Brinjal is a vegetable.
True or False :
1. Plants give us only food grains. (False)
2. We get edible oil from the seeds. (True)
3. We get spices from sugar cane. (False)
4. Most of our food comes from plants. (True)
5. Cloves and chillies are spices. (True)
Choose the correct answer :
1. Brinjal is a ________- (b)
(a) fruit (b) vegetable (c) pulse
2. Pepper is a ________ (a)
(a) spice (b) grain (c) both
3. Mustard plant gives us _______ (a)
(a) oil (b) coffee (c) sugar
Match the following :
1. grains maize (1)
2. vegetables grapes (3)
3. fruits turnip (2)
4. spices paper (5)
5. bamboo chillies (4)
Ls. 4 - Animals around us
New words :
animals, different, creatures, breathe, reproduce, wild, domestic, crocodile, tortoise, insects, reptiles, lizard, cockroach, spider, prawn, rhinoceros.
Questions and answers:
1. What are wild animals?
A. Animals which live in forests are called wild animals.
2. What are domestic animals?
A. Animals which live in and around our houses are called domestic animals.
3. How do birds fly?
A. Birds fly with the help of wings.
4. What are reptiles?
A. Reptiles are the animals that creep or crawl on the ground.
5. Name three wild animals.
A. 1) Lion 2) Tiger 3) Giraffe
6. Name three insects.
A. 1) Housefly 2) Butterfly 3) Ant
7. Name three domestic animals.
A. 1) Cow 2) Horse 3) Dog
8. Name three water animals.
A. 1) Fish 2) Frog 3) Tortoise
Fill in the blanks :( Pg no 126)
1. All animals are living creatures.
2. An elephant is a big animal.
3. Fish lives in water.
4. The frog and the tortoise live in water as well as on land.
5. Birds have wings to fly.
True or False :
1. Housefly is an insect. (True)
2. Peacock is a domestic animal. (False)
3. Fish has fins to swim in water . (True)
4. Tiger is a domestic animal. (False)
5. Earth worm is a big animal. (False)
Match the following : (Pg no. 127)
1. birds crawl (4)
2. fish walk (3)
3. cows swim (2)
4. snakes fly (1)
Choose the correct answer :
1. Snakes and Worms have __________ legs. (c)
(a) two (b) four (c) none
2. Fish has ____________to swim. (a)
(a) fins (b) wings (c) legs
3. Animal which is small in size. (a)
(a) rat (b) elephant (c) giraffe
4. Animal which lives on land as well as in water. (c)
(a) Frog (b) Tortoise (c) both
Ls. 5 – Food and shelter for animals
Introduction :
Children – we eat food to live; in the morning you had breakfast. Tell me What animals eat? eats grass - Cow; Can a lion eat grass – NO. It eats meat – so, some animals are vegetarian and some are non-veg. We live in our house. Do the animals also have a house? Yes. Eg. cow – shed, bird – nest etc.
New words :
shelter, flesh, lizard, worms, burrow, eagle, kingfisher, protect, beehive.
Questions and answers :
1. Why do animals need shelter?
A. Animals need shelter to protect themselves from heat, cold, rain and enemies.
2. Name some animals that eat grass, leaves and plants.
A. Cow, giraffe, elephant and zebra are some animals which eat grass, leaves and plants.
3. Name some flesh eating animals.
A. Fox, tiger, lion and eagle are some flesh eating animals.
4. Name some animals that eat insects.
A. Frog, lizard and spider are some animals that eat insects.
5. Where does a horse live?
A. A horse lives in a stable.
6. Where does a cow lives?
A. A cow lives in a shed.
Fill in the blanks (Reader Pg. 132 & 133)
1. A frog eats insects.
2. A tiger eats flesh.
3. An elephant eats grass.
4. A dog lives in a kennel.
5. A bird lives in a nest.
6. A hen eats grains.
7. A lion lives in a den.
True or False :
1. All animals require shelter to live. (True)
2. Some animals eat grains. (True)
3. Zebra eats flesh of other animals. (False)
4. Lizard, spider eat insects and worms. (True)
5. Rabbit lives in a burrow under the ground. (True)
6. Bees live in a hive which is not built by themselves. (False)
Choose the right answer ;
1. Rabbit lives in a burrow. (b)
(a) hive (b) burrow (c) den
2. King fisher eats fish. (a)
(a) fish (b) honey (c) grass
3. Horses live in the stable. (a)
(a) stable (b) farm (c) shed
Match the following :
1. cow den (2)
2. lion shed (1)
3. horse hive (4)
4. honey bees nest (5)
5. birds stabble (3)
1. zebra insect (2)
2. lizard snake (5)
3. hen grain (3)
4. fox flesh (4)
5. eagle grass (1)
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Science – Term – II
Ls. 6 – Our needs
New words :
breathe, clothes, drink, healthy, uncovered, harmful, cover, protect, cotton, woollen, thieves, height, weight, exercise.
Questions and answers:
1. What are our basic needs?
A. Our basic needs are 1) air 2) water 3) food 4) clothes and 5) house.
2. What kind of food should we eat?
A. We should eat good, fresh and clean food.
3. From what does a house protect us?
A. A house protects us from heat, cold, rain, wind and thieves.
4. Name three things that help us to grow?
A. Good food, rest and exercise help us to grow and keep fit.
5. What helps to keep the air clean?
A. Plants and trees help the air to keep clean.
6. What makes water clean?
A. Filtering and boiling can make the water clean.
Fill in the blanks : (Reader Pg. 116, 117)
We need clean and fresh air to breathe.
Food helps us to grow and be healthy.
Clothes cover and protect our body.
Always drink filtered water.
We grow in height and weight.
True or False :
1. Plants and trees help to keep the air clean. (True)
2. There should be germs or dirt in the water we drink. (False)
3. We must eat in a clean place. (True)
4. We wear woollen clothes in summer. (False)
5. Children grow up fast. (True)
Match the following :
1. Clothes shelter and safe (2)
2. House to breathe (3)
3. Air to drink (4)
4. Water to grow and to be healthy (5)
5. Food cover and protect (1)
Ls. 7 – Keeping Fit
New words :
early, tired, morning, straight, upright, swing, slide, carroms, strong.
Questions and answers:
1. What should we do before going to bed?
A. We should wash our hands, feet and brush our teeth before going to bed.
2. Name a few outdoor games.
A. Football, kho-kho and cricket are a few outdoor games.
3. Name a few indoor games.
A. Chess, carrom and ludo are a few indoor games.
4. How many hours a day should children sleep?
A. Children should sleep for about 10 hours a day.
5. Why should we take rest?
A. We should take rest to keep our body healthy.
Fill in the blanks : (Reader Pg. 121)
Rest, sleep, exercise and play keeps our body healthy.
Chess is an indoor game.
We should not cover our face while sleeping.
Cricket is an outdoor game.
We must go to bed early.
We get rest when we sleep.
Exercise keeps our body healthy and strong.
True or False :
1. Children need to sleep for about ten hours a day. (True)
2. It is good to walk or jog every day atleast for fifteen minutes. (True)
3. Playing outdoor games does not keep our body healthy. (False)
4. We should cover our face while sleeping. (False)
5. Always sit and stand straight and walk upright. (True)
Match the following :
1. sleep only through nose (5)
2. exercise makes us healthy and strong (2)
3. walk up right (3)
4. playing is full fun (4)
5. breathe rest (1)
Ls. 8 – Good Habits
New words :
healthy, happy, waste, sneezing, coughing, yawning, kerchief, flushing, surroundings.
Questions and answers:
1. Name two good eating habits.
A. 1. Eat on time.
2. Chew well with your mouth closed.
2. What should you do while coughing and yawning?
A. While coughing and yawning we must cover our mouth with a hand kerchief.
3. Write two things you should do in keeping the house clean.
A. 1. We should not spit on the floor.
2. We must throw waste papers in the dust bin.
4. Write one good habit to keep your class room clean.
A. 1. We should not write on the table, benches, walls and floor in our class room.
Fill in the blanks : (Reader Pg. 124)
Do not waste food.
Turn off the tap after use.
Do not bite your nails.
We should not write on the walls.
Use a dustbin to throw waste papers.
True or False :
1. Wash your hands before eating. (True)
2. Throw waste papers in the dustbin. (True)
3. Do not turn off the tap after use. (False)
4. Switch off the lights and fans when you leave the room. (True)
5. We should keep our house and surroundings dirty. (False)
Match the following :
1. nails dust bin (2)
2. waste papers nail cutter (1)
3. good habits flushing (5)
4. sneezing healthy (3)
5. toilet hand kerchief (4)
Ls. 9 – Safety Habits
New words :
footpath, zebra crossing, vehicle, signal, queue, lean, spit, knives, blades, staircase, electric, iodine, burnol, bandage.
Questions and answers:
1. Where should we cross the road?
A. We should cross the road only at a zebra crossing.
2. Why should we not tease animals?
A. We should not tease animals because they may bite us.
3. When should we board a bus?
A. We should board a bus when it stops.
4. What is First – Aid?
A. First - Aid is the treatment given to the injured before the doctor comes.
Fill in the blanks : (Reader Pg. 130)
Do not play with fire.
Always walk on the footpath.
Do not run on the road.
Cross the road at a zebra crossing.
Do not board a moving bus.
True or False :
1. If there is no foot path, walk on the right side of the road. (True)
2. Amber light says go. (False)
3. Do not lean out of the window of a bus. (True)
4. We should play with sharp objects, fire or electrical gadgets. (False)
5. Do not play with electrical things. (True)
Match the following :
1. walk on stop (3)
2. cross the road sharp objects (4)
3. red says the traffic signals (5)
4. do not play with at zebra crossing (2)
5. follow foot path (1)
Ls. 10 – Keeping Clean
New words :
healthy, shampoo, towel, nails, nail-cutter, rinse, tongue.
Questions and answers:
1. What should we do to clean our body?
A. We should take bath to clean our body.
2. When should we brush our teeth?
A. We should brush our teeth in the morning and at night.
3. What should we use to cut our nails?
A. We should use a nail-cutter to cut our nails.
4. How should we keep our hands clean?
A. We should wash our hands with soap to keep them clean.
Fill in the blanks : (reader Pg. 135)
We must use a clean towel to dry the body.
We must wash our hair with soap or shampoo.
We must brush our teeth every morning and at night.
We must not rub our eyes.
We must use a wet towel to clean the ears.
We must cut our nails often and keep them clean.
True or False :
1. We must clean our eyes, ears and nose daily. (True)
2. We should not bathe every day. (False)
3. We should oil our hair once in a while. (True)
4. We should use our own tooth brush. (True)
5. Dust makes our body healthy. (False)
* * *
Term – III Science
Ls. 11 AIR
New words :
balloon, observe, happens, occupies, space, weight, experiment, flames, gliders.
Questions and answers :
1. Can we feel air?
A. Yes, we can feel air.
2. What happens when you cover a burning candle with a tumbler?
A. When we cover a burning candle with a tumbler, it goes off after a while.
3. What is wind?
A. Moving air is called wind.
4. Write two uses of air.
A. 1) Living things need air to breathe.
2) Air is needed for burning.
5. State three properties of air.
A. The three properties of air are :-
1) Air occupies space.
2) Air has weight.
3) Air exerts pressure.
Fill in the blanks (Refer Reader Pg. No. 91)
True or False :
1. Plants need air to live. (True)
2. We can feel air when it moves. (True)
3. We cannot remain without air for long. (True)
4. An air filled balloon becomes big because air has weight. (False)
Ls. 12 WATER
New words :
lakes, rivers, fresh, dries, prawns, dies, thirsty, fire.
Questions and answers :
1. Write three uses of water.
A. Cooking, bathing and drinking are the three uses of water.
2. Name two water animals.
A. Fish and prawns are the two water animals.
3. What do you do when you are thirsty?
A. I drink water when I am thirsty.
Fill in the blanks (Refer Reader Pg. 93 & 94)
True or False :
1. Plants do not need water to live. (False)
2. Fish lives on land. (False)
3. We use water to put off fire. (True)
4. We get fresh water from rain. (True)
New words:
brightly, protect, severe, uproot trees, thatched roof, weather, shines, cloudy, woollen, speed.
Questions and answers :
1. What kind of weather do we have in summer?
A. We have a very hot weather in summer.
2. When do we wear woollen clothes?
A. We wear woollen clothes during winter.
3. What do we use on a rainy day?
A. We use a raincoat, an umbrella and gum boots on a rainy day.
Fill in the blanks (Given on Pg. No. 97)
Choose the correct answer :
1. The sun shines brightly on a _______________ day. (b)
(a) cloudy (b) hot (c) windy
2. We wear _______________ clothes in summer. (c)
(a) woollen (b) silk (c) cotton
3. We use _____________ on a rainy day. (c)
(a) umbrella (b) gum boots (c) both
4. It is very hot in ___________ season. (a)
(a) summer (b) winter (c) rainy
Match the following :
1. summer depends on sun, rain and wind(4)
2. rainy season cloudy days (2)
3. winter woollen clothes (3)
4. weather cotton clothes (1)
Draw, colour and label things used on hot, cold and rainy day.
Ls. No. 14 The Sun, The Moon and The Stars
New words:
round, pale, brightly, directly, count, night, east, light.
Questions and answers :
1. Where does the sun rise?
A. The sun rises in the east.
2. Where does the sun set?
A. The sun sets in the west.
3. What does the sun give us?
A. The sun gives us heat and light.
4. What do we see in the sky at night?
A. We see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.
5. What is a full moon day?
a. When the moon is a perfect shining ball, we call it a full moon day.
Fill in the blanks : (Refer Reader Pg. No. 102)
True or False :
1. The sun is a hot ball of fire. (True)
2. Stars shine brightly because they have light of their own. (True)
3. We can see the moon on a new moon day. (False)
Match the following :
1. the sun rises is full and bright (4)
2. the moon in the east (1)
3. the sun are seen mostly at night (5)
4. full moon appears only at day time (3)
5. the stars has different shapes on different night (2)
Draw, colour and label the things which we see in the sky.
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