Class : V Term – II sub : Science
1. Fill in the blanks (Reader)
a. Organ
b. 206
c. internal
d. red blood cells
e. axial
f. skull
g. upper-lower
h. vertebrae, spinalcord
i. ribcage
j. humerus
k. joint
l. tendon
m. voluntary
n. striated, unstriated or smooth
o. nervous
p. cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
q. reflex action.
r. Motornerves.
2. Write T for true and F for false (Reader)
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. F
f. T
g. F
h. T
i. T
j. F
k. T
3. choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks (Reader).
a. external
b. vertebrates
c. ribcage
d. cranium
e. spinalcord
f. pectoral
g. femur
h. knee
i. hinge joint
j. pivot.
4. Give reasons for the following:-
a. Human beings are vertebrates.
Ans. Human beings are vertebrates because they have a vertebral column or backbone.
b. We will not be able to stand or walk without the skeleton.
Ans. We will not be able to stand or walk without the skeleton because the skeleton gives shape to the body and supports the body against the pull of gravity.
c. Bones help to maintain the calcium level in blood.
Ans. Bones contain calcium and release them into the blood when the calcium level drops below normal. So, bones help in maintaining the calcium level in blood.
d. The spinal cord is well protected.
Ans. Spinal cord is well protected by the vertebral column as it passes through the holes in the vertebrae present in the vertebral column.
e. We digest our food without being aware of it.
Ans. We digest our food without being aware of it because the muscles in the stomach and intestines that control the movement of food are involuntary muscles. The involuntary muscles continuously work on their own.
f. We should not eat food that is too hot or cold.
Ans. We should not eat food that is too hot or cold because it damages the taste buds.
5. Match the following (Reader):-
a. Upper part of the skull.
b. Connects legs to the axial skeleton.
c. Have hinge join.
d. Have gliding joint.
e. Joins muscles with bones.
f. Join two bones together
g. Cardiac muscles.
6. Answer the following questions:-
a. What is an organ?
Ans. An organ is a part of the body which is made up of similar tissues and performs a specific function.
b. Name some internal organs.
Ans. The brain, liver, lungs, heart, kidneys and intestines are some of the internal organs.
c. What is an organ system ?
Ans. A group of related organs which work together to perform a common function is called an organ system.
d. What is the skeleton ? What are its functions ?
Ans. A sturdy frame work of bones which supports the human body is called the skeleton.
Functions of the skeletal system:-
1. It gives shape and support to the body.
2. It protects the internal organs like lung, heart, liver.
3. Red blood cells are produced from the bone marrow.
4. It helps to maintain calcium level in the blood.
e. Define i) Skull ii) Cranium iii) Axial skeleton iv) Appendicular skeleton v) back bone
i) Skull :- The part of the skeleton which is formed by the
bones in the head is called the skull. It is made up of 22 bones. It protects the brain.
ii) Cranium :- The upper part of the skull is called the cranium. It is made up of eight flat bones and protects the delicate brain.
iii) Axial skeleton :- The skeleton along the main axis of the body which includes skull, backbone, breast bone and ribcage is called as axial skeleton.
iv) Appendicular skeleton :- The skeleton placed in the side axis of the body is called appendicular skeleton. It includes bones of arms, legs, pectoral and pelvic girdle.
v) Backbone :- It is the row of small bones that goes down the middle of the back. It is made up of 33 ring like bones called vertebrae.
f. Draw i) Bones of the arms ii) Bones of the leg.
Ans. Bones of the arm Bones of leg.
g. What are joints ?
Ans. A place where two bones join together is called a joint.
h. What is the difference between movable and immovable joints ? Explain with examples.
Ans. i) Movable joints :- The joints which can help our body to move
And bend are movable joints.
Example :- Hinge joint, pivot joint, gliding joint and ball and
socket joint.
ii) Immovable joints :- The bones of joints which are interlocked
and cannot move are called immovable joints.
Example :- Bones of the skull.
i. What are muscles? How many muscles are there in the human body ?
Ans. Muscles are tough elastic tissue that are joined to the bones. There are 640 muscles in the human body.
j.Define i) Voluntary muscles ii) Involuntary muscles iii) Skeletal muscles iv) Smooth muscles v) Cardiac muscles.
Ans. i) Voluntary muscles :- The muscles which are controlled by us
and work only when we want them to work are called voluntary
muscles. Ex: Muscles in the arm.
ii) Involuntary muscles :- The muscles which continuously work
on their own are called involuntary muscles. Ex : Muscles in the
iii) Skeletal muscles :- Muscles that are attached at one or both
ends to a bone and help in the movement of a skeleton are
called skeletal muscles.
iv) Smooth muscles :- The muscles that are found in the walls of
internal organs and are responsible for their movement are called
smooth muscles. Ex. The muscles of kidneys.
v) Cardiac muscles :- The muscle found in the heart which helps
in pumping blood through circulatory system are called cardiac
k.What is the nervous system? What are its functions ?
Ans. The system of nerves that controls all the activities of the body is
called nervous system.
Functions :- 1. Nerves carry messages from various parts of the body to brain through spinal cord.
2. It controls and coordinates all the parts of the body.
3. It regulates body temperature, heart beat etc.
4. It controls the sense organs.
5. It helps us to remember things.
What are the three parts of the brain ? What are their functions ?
Ans. The brain is made up of three parts. The cerebrum, the cerebellum and medulla oblongata.
Cerebrum :- 1. It is the largest part of the brain.
Functions :- It controls all physical activities such as walking,
running etc.
2. It controls higher mental functions such as thought, reason, emotion and memory.
Cerebellum :- It is the second largest part of the brain.
i) It regulates and coordinates complex muscle movements.
ii) It coordinates the posture and balance of the body.
Medulla oblongata :- It is the lowermost part of the brain .
i) It connects the brain to the spinal cord.
m. What is a reflex action ? Give three examples of reflex action.
Ans. A reflex action is a fast, immediate, automatic and involuntary response of the body. It is controlled by spinal cord. Brain is not involved in this.
Examples:- 1. When you touch a hot object you take back your hand immediately. 2. Dog salivates when it sees a piece of bone. 3. Our mouth gets watered at the sight of our favourite food.
n. What are sense organs ? Name them.
Ans. The organs which helps us to see, hear, smell, taste or feel something are called sense organs. The five sense organs are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
o. Why is exercise good for us?
Ans. Regular exercise is good for us because:-
1. It makes our muscles strong.
2. It makes the internal organs like heart and lungs strong and healthy.
3. It helps is digesting the food and in burning body fat.
4. It improves posture.
1. Fill in the blanks (Reader):-
a. food
b. nutrients
c. carbohydrate
d. vegetables, cereals
e. water
f. roughage
g. balanced diet.
h. Airtight containers
i. Vegetables, milk
j. Diseases
k. Kwashiorkor
l. Marasmus
m. Anaemia
n. Vitamin A
o. Malaria
2. W rite True (T) or False (F) (Reader)
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. F
f. T
g. F
h. T
i. F
3. Choose the correct answer (Reader)
a. kwashiorkor
b. fluorine
c. vitamin B
d. fat
e. body building
f. communicable
g. bacteria
h. tuberculosis.
4. Match the following(Reader) :-
a. energy giving nutrients
b. Needed in small quantities
c. Protein deficiency diseases.
d. Mineral deficiency diseases.
e. Vitamin deficiency diseases.
f. Spread through air.
5. Give reasons for the following:-
a. We need to eat food everyday.
Ans. We need to eat food everyday because food gives us energy and helps us to grow.
b. It is good to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
Ans. It is good to drink at least eight glasses of water every day because:
i. Water helps to regulate the temperature of the day.
ii. It is essential for digestion and other vital processes in the body.
iii. It helps to remove waste and harmful substances from the body in the form of urine and sweat.
c. Food should not be overcooked.
A. Food shouldn’t be overcooked as the nutrients in the food are
6. Answer the following question:-
a. What are nutrients? Name the different types of nutrients.
Ans. The substances required by the body for it to function are called nutrients. The different types of nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
b. Define and mention the sources of i) Carbohydrates ii) Proteins iii) Fats iv) Vitamins v) Minerals.
Ans. i) Carbohydrates :- These are a group of substances that provide energy to the body. They also provide heat that the body requires to stay warm.
Sources :- Sugar, rice, wheat, potatoes and bananas.
ii) Proteins :- These are substances that help the body to grow and stay healthy and also help to repair damaged cells of the body.
Sources :- Pulses, milk, soyabeans, eggs, meat.
iii) Fats :- They provide energy and also prevent the loss of heat from the body.
Sources :- Oil, butter, ghee.
iv) Vitamins :- These are substances that are required by the body in small quantities for growth and proper functioning.
Sources :- Meat, eggs, cereals, fruits, vegetables etc.
v) Minerals :- These are natural substances like iron, sodium, calcium etc. that are required by the body in very small quantities for it to function properly and stay healthy.
Sources :- Green leafy vegetables, fruits, meat, milk etc.,
c. What is roughage? How does it help us?
Ans. Roughage is the fibrous part of the food which is not digested by the body. It helps the food to go down the food pipe and also helps the waste matter produced during digestion to pass through the body.
d. What is balanced diet ? What will happen if our diet is not balanced ?
Ans. A diet that provides all the nutrients required by the body along with water in the right proportions is called a balanced diet.
e. What is a deficiency disease?
Ans. A disease that is caused by the deficiency of a particular nutrient in
our food or for not having a balanced diet is called a deficiency disease.
f. Write two sentences on i) Kwashiorkor ii) Marasmus iii) Anaemia iv) Goitre.
Ans. i) Kwashiorkor:- It is caused by the deficiency of protein in the body. Its symptoms are pot belly, jutting out of the chest, bending of bones, anaemia.
ii) Marasmus :- It is a protein deficiency disease which affects young children. Its symptoms are dry skin, physical weakness, slowing down of mental development.
iii) Anaemia:- It is caused due to the deficiency of iron. Anaemic people contains blood with little red blood cells.
iv) Goitre :- It is caused due to the deficiency of iodine. There is a swelling at the front of the throat.
g. Define i) Night blindness ii) Beri-beri iii) Scurvy iv) Rickets.
Ans. i) Night blindness :- This disease is caused by the deficiency of
vitamin A. A person suffering from this disease cannot see in poor light and at night.
ii) Beri – beri :- It is caused by the deficiency of vitamin – B. It results in numbness, and swelling in arms and legs.
iii) Scurvy:- It is caused by the deficiency of vitamin – C. Its symptoms are bleeding gums and reduced appetite.
iv) Rickets:-It is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin – D. Its symptoms are long and narrow chest, enlarged bones and protruding stomach.
h. Mention the various ways by which communicable diseases are spread.
Ans. The various ways by which communicable diseases spread are:-
1. through the air we breathe
2. the food we eat and
3. the water we drink. They also spread
4. through direct contact with infected person and
5. through insects and animal bites.
i. What is vaccination? How does it help?
Ans. Vaccination is one of the methods of innoculation. It immunises a person against a disease. It is a safe way of preventing the spread of diseases. It helps the people to develop resistance against a disease.
1. Fill in the blanks (Reader)
a. first aid
b. cotton wool, disinfectant, antiseptic cream
c. dry
d. fracture
e. sprain
f. sting
g. rabies
h. fire extinguisher.
2. write T for true and F for false (Reader)
a. T
b. F
c. F
d. F
e. F
f. T
g. F
h. T
i. F
j. T
3. Choose the correct answer (Reader):-
a. antiseptic cream
b. forehead
c. burns
d. sprain
e. baking soda
f. off
g. nylon
4. Match the following (Reader):-
a. antiseptic cream
b. blisters
c. cold compress
d. lime water and ammonia
e. rabies
f. carbon dioxide and foam
5. Give reasons for the following:-
a. If a person is bitten by a snake, a tight band should be tied a little above with soap and water.
Ans. If a person is bitten by a snake a tight band should be tied a little above and below the bite. This will stop the venom or poison from spreading to other parts of the body.
b. If a person is bitten by an animal, the wounded area should be washed with soap and water.
Ans. If a person is bitten by an animal the wounded area should be washed with soap and water to wash off the saliva. This is to prevent the entry of disease causing organisms into the body.
6. Answer the following questions:-
1. What is first aid?
Ans. The immediate aid given to an injured victim before taking him to a doctor is called first aid.
2. How can we treat a minor cut or wound?
Ans. We can treat a minor cut or wound by following these steps:-
1. Washing hands with soap before touching the wound.
2. Dry the wound with a clean cloth.
3. Apply some antiseptic cream on it.
4. If the cut is minor, cover the wound with a plaster, lint or cotton and bandage it firmly.
5. If the wound is deep, call the doctor.
3. What is rabies?
Ans. Rabies is a serious disease that is caused by dog bites.
4. What safety rules should be followed in the kitchen to prevent a fire ?
Ans. The safety rules that should be followed in the kitchen to prevent fire are:-
1. Store kerosene in an air tight container away from heat and fire.
2. Don’t keep a lighted kerosene stove on the floor.
3. If there is a gas leak in the kitchen open all doors and windows immediately and do not turn on any electrical switches.
4. The gas stove must be switched off when it is not in use.
5. Don’t wear nylon clothes in the kitchen as they catch fire easily.
5. What is a fire extinguisher ? How does it work ?
Ans. A fire extinguisher is an effective device for putting out small fires in homes or offices. They release gas or foam which helps to put out the fire by enveloping it and thus cutting off the supply of air to it.
1. Fill in the blanks (Reader):-
a. environment
b. ecology
c. pollution
d. air
e. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone
f. noise
g. CNG
h. Waste management
i. Biomass
j. Digester.
2. Write T for true and F for false (Reader).
a. T
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. F
f. T
g. F
h. T
3. Choose the correct answers (Reader) :-
a. ecology
b. pollutant
c. air
d. ozone
e. acid rain
f. typhoid
g. waste management
h. biomass
4. Match the following (Reader).
a. non-biodegradable
b. effects of air pollution
c. effects of water pollution
d. effects of noise pollution
e. chemical fertiliser
f. formed from dead plants and animals
5. Give reasons for the following:-
a. We should not cut down forests or hunt animals.
Ans. We should not cut down forests or hunt animals because it can harm the environment and disturb the ecological balance.
b. Industries can be harmful to the environment.
Ans. Industries can be harmful to the environment because industries release harmful pollutants that can pollute air and water.
c. The use of fuels like CNG should be encouraged.
Ans. The use of fuels like CNG should be encouraged as these are eco-friendly fuels and do not cause pollution.
d. We should avoid using plastic bags.
Ans. We should avoid using plastic bags because plastic is non-biodegradable in nature and causes pollution.
6. Answer the following:-
a. What is the environment?
Ans. The natural surroundings in which living things grow, develop and survive is known as the environment.
b. What is ecology?
Ans. The study of living things in their natural surroundings is called ecology.
c. What is pollution?
Ans. Pollution is the contamination of air, water or earth by harmful substances.
d. What causes air pollution?
Ans. Air pollution is caused by air borne pollutants such as gases, chemicals, smoke particles and other substances.
e. Define i) Global warming ii) Acid rain.
Ans. i) Global warming:- Green house gases such as
carbon dioxide, ozone, etc do not let heat from sunlight escape from the atmosphere into outer space. So, the heat gets trapped and leads to a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. This is known as global warming.
ii) Acid rain :- The harmful gases that pollute the atmosphere combine with oxygen and water vapour present in the atmosphere, forming poisonous substances called acids. These acids fall on the earth’s surface along with rain. Rain containing a high level of acid is called acid rain. It damages the environment mostly soil, plants, buildings etc.
f. How is water polluted?
Ans. Water is polluted in the following ways:-
1. By washing dirty clothes near rivers, ponds and lakes.
2. Factories releasing poisonous chemical wastes into water bodies.
3. Usage of pesticides in agriculture.
4. Untreated sewage contaminates ground water and other water bodies.
g. What are the effects of water pollution?
Ans. The effects of water pollution are:-
1. Polluted water contains germs which cause water borne diseases like cholera and typhoid.
2. Polluted water kills fishes and other aquatic animals.
h. What is noise?
Ans. A continuous, loud and unpleasant sound is known as noise.
i. What are the cause of noise pollution?
Ans. The causes of noise pollution are:-
1. Loud and continuous blowing of horns.
2. Unchecked use of loudspeakers.
3. Loud noise emitted by machines such as generators and construction equipments.
j. Define i) Waste management ii) recycling
Ans. i) Waste management:- The collection, transportation and disposal of waste materials is called waste management.
ii) Recycling:- It is a process in which waste products from houses, factories, markets and industries are recovered and reused.
k. How can we prevent noise pollution?
Ans. We can prevent noise pollution by the following ways:-
1. We should not use the horn unnecessarily especially near hospitals and schools.
2. We need to use loudspeaker and play music only at medium levels.
3. We should not play blaring music at parties and weddings.
l. What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances? Give examples of each.
Ans. Biodegradable substances:- The substances which are decomposed by natural processes are called biodegradable substances.
Ex :- vegetable and fruit peels, paper, leaves etc.
Non-biodegradable substances :- The substances which are not decomposed by natural processes and cause environmental pollution are called non-biodegradable substances.
Ex:- Plastic, Glass, Aluminium etc.
m. What is bio-gas?
Ans. Bio-gas is a mixture of gases formed by decay of plant and animal matter called biomass.
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