Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Class: VI Sub : Geography (Non IAS)


Question and answers:-

1. What are the “realms of the earth”?
A. The earth on which we live is composed of four major realms which help life to exist on it.
They are:-
i. The Atmosphere
ii. The Hydrosphere
iii. The Lithosphere
iv. The Biosphere

2. What is atmosphere ? What does it contain?
A. 1. The earth on which we live is surrounded by a vast sphere of air
which is known as the atmosphere.
2. Air is a mixture of several gases.
3. The most important gases of Atmosphere are Nitrogen, oxygen,
carbondioxide and Watervapour. The air contains nearly 78% of Nitrogen, and 21% of oxygen.
4. There are also gases like Argon, Krypton, Neon, Xenon and
Helium in very small quantities (less than 1%.) Dust particles are
also found in the atmosphere.

3. What is Hydrosphere ? How is it important for man ?
A. The sphere of water comprising of mainly the oceans is known as Hydrosphere. The Hydrosphere also includes the water of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers which occur on the continents.
1. It plays an important role in reducing both extreme heat and cold in coastal areas.
2. It is the source of moisture to cause rain.
3. It provides us sea food like fish.
4. It is useful for international trade.

4. Name the major land forms of the lithosphere ?
A. 1. The crust of the earth which is made up of different kinds of
rocks is known as the lithosphere.
2. The major land forms of lithosphere are :- 1) Mountains
2) Plateaus and 3) Plains.

5. Briefly explain the uses of Biosphere for man.
1. The living part of the earth which includes the natural vegetation, cultivated crops, wild animals and domestic animals is known as the Biosphere.
2. It is useful for man in many ways.
The uses of Biosphere are :-
1. Man uses trees from the forest for construction and wood-pulp for making paper. Spices, medicinal herbs, fruits, gums like rubber are some products of forest, used by man.
2. Man uses the milk, meat, skin and furs of animals.
3. The common birds like chicken and duck are domesticated by man and raised in large numbers for food.
4. Man uses the insects like honey-bee and silk worms for getting honey and silk.


1. What proportion of the surface of the earth is covered by land and what proportion by water ?
A. 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water and 29% of the earth’s surface with land.

2. How are different land forms produced ?
A. The different land forms like mountains, plateaus and plains are produced by -
1. The action of the atmosphere on the land surface and
2. The action of internal heat of the earth which is felt through earth quakes and eruption of volcanoes.

3. What is an Island ? Give examples.
A. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides is known as an Island. For example :- Greenland, Great Britain and Madagascar.

4. What is a peninsula ? Give examples.
A. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides and connected with land on fourth side is called a peninsula.
Ex:- Indian Peninsula, Malaya Peninsula in Asia, Iberian peninsula in Europe and the Cape York peninsula in Australia.

Question and answers:-
1. Which is the largest ocean? Which is the largest continent ?
A. The largest ocean is the Pacific ocean and the largest continent is Asia.

2. Which is the smallest ocean ? Which is the smallest continent ?
A. The smallest ocean is Arctic ocean. The smallest continent is Australia.

3. How deep is the ocean ?
A. The average depth of the ocean is 3550 mt.

4. What is the use of the ocean for man ?
A. The uses of oceans are :-
1. They play an important part in reducing extreme heat and cold
in coastal areas.
2. They are the sources of moisture to cause rain.
3. They provide sea foods like fish.,
4. They are the source of pearls, corals and many metals.
5. They are useful for international trade.
6. They are the source of many salts and mineral oil (petroleum.)

5. What are the major landforms ?
A. The major landforms are mountains, plateaus and plains.

6. Why do plains have large population ?
A. The plains are attracting the man in many ways. They support large population. The causes are :-
1. The plains are fertile and so the crops grow well.
2. They are the lands with very gentle slope. So the movement of people is easy both by land and by boats over the rivers.

7. What are the plateaus ?
A. Plateaus are land forms which have relatively level surface.

8. Give three examples each for:
a) mountains b) plains c) plateaus.
A. i) Examples of mountains are:-
1. Himalayas in Asia
2. Andes in South America and
3. Alps in Europe.

ii) Examples of plateaus are :-
1. Deccan plateau
2. Canadian plateau and
3. Arabian plateau.

iii) Examples of plains are :-
1. The Gangetic plain in India
2. The Yellow plain in China
3. The Mississippi plain in North America


1. How are the mountains useful to man ?
A. Mountains are useful to man in many ways
1. People live in valleys of the mountains in many parts of the world.
2. Cattle are grazed on the grass growing areas on mountain slopes.
3. Mountains are the source of many rivers. Dams constructed across the rivers are useful for producing hydroelectric power and for irrigation.
4. Mountain slopes are often covered with forests. From these forests we obtain wood for building, wood-pulp for paper, various medicinal herbs, fruits ,gums etc.
5. Mountains provide beautiful scenery and fresh air.
6. We can get many useful minerals from the mountains.

2. What are the disadvantages of mountainious life ?
A. Mountains act as a barrier. They prevent easy movement of people across them because of steep slopes and great height.
2. Roads and Railways cannot be easily constructed. So people remain backward due to lack of communication with the advanced area.
3. They also act as a barrier for winds. In such cases there is more rain on one side of the mountains and the other side remains dry.

3. Name the four types of mountains ? Give two examples for each .
A. Mountains are of four types. They are :-
1. The Folded Mountains.
2. The Block Mountains.
3. The Residual Mountains.
4. The Volcanic Mountains.

1. The Folded Mountains :- They are the highest, most impressive and cover the largest areas.
Ex :- the Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes and the Rockies.
2. The Block Mountains :- They are not very high and are often found at the edges of plateaus.
Ex :- Darkensberg mountains, and Vosges mountains.
3. The Residual Mountains :- They are very high mountains. They have been eroded over a long period. So now they are of small height and extent.
Ex :- Aravali mountains and Eastern Ghats.
4. The Volcanic Mountains :- These mountains are formed by lava.
Ex :- Mount Killimanjaro, Mount Vesuvius and Mount Fujiyama.


1. What are the differences between a mountain and a plateau ?
A. The differences between mountains and plateaus are :
1. Mountains have rugged surface and are higher than the plateaus.
2. They are found in continuous chains covering large areas.
3. There is very little possibility of cultivation.

4. Have thin population because of cold climate.
1. Plateaus have relatively flat surface and they are not as high as mountains.
2. They are smaller and not continuous like mountains.
3. Cultivation is possible on a wider scale with irrigational facilities.
4. Have more population than mountains because of moderate climate.

2. What are the types of plateaus ? Give examples for each.
A. Plateaus are of three types. They are :-
1. Residual plateaus.
2. Lava plateaus.
3. Intermontane plateaus.
1. Residual Plateaus :- They are produced when large mountain areas are eroded for a long, time leaving behind a plateau.
Ex :- The Deccan plateau in India, Canadian plateau and Arabian plateau.
2. Lava Plateau :- They are formed when volcanic activity takes place and sheets of Lava cover the land.
Ex :- The Western part of Deccan plateau, the plateau found in Columbia and the Snake River Valley of Western United States.
3. Intermontane Plateaus :- They are found usually along with the mountains.
Ex :- The plateau of Tibet and the plateau of Bolivia.

3. How are plateaus useful to man ?
A. Plateaus are useful to man in many ways.
1. They have more population than mountains because movement is easier than mountains.
2. The river valleys in plateaus are wider so they provide land for cultivation and water for irrigation.
3. Valuable minerals are available in plateaus like the ores of nickel, platinum, etc.
4. The lava plateaus are fertile and support good population.


1. What is a plain?
A. Plains are lands with generally level surface with height far less than plateaus and sloping gently.

2. Name the types of plains with two examples of each.
A. The plains are of two types. They are :-
1. Erosional or Destructional plains.
2. Alluvial or Constructional plains.
i) Erosional Plains :- The plain around Hudson Bay in Canada and the plain of Finland in Europe are examples.
ii) Alluvial plains :- Gangetic Plains in India and Bangladesh, the plains of the rivers Hwang-Ho and Vang-tse-Kiang in China, the Nile plain in Egypt are examples.

3. Why have plains attracted man ?
A. The plains are attracting the man in many ways. The main reasons are :-
1. Most of the plains are fertile and they support a dense population.
2. Good crops can be grown on the plains like rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, tobacco, qubsur, cotton etc.
3. Because of good crops and good water supply, many industries are coming up on the plains.

4. Name some industrial cities (at least 4) which are found on plains.
A. Some industrial cities which are found in plains are Calcutta, Lucknow, Kanpur and Allahabad.


1. Where is Australia located ?
A. Australia lies in the southern hemisphere between the latitudes of
100 South and 450 South and between the longitudes of 1100 East to 1550 East. The Tropic of Capricorn (23 ½ 0 S) runs across the middle of the continent.

2. What are the boundaries of Australia?
A. Australia is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on the East, the Indian Ocean on the North and West and the Great southern Ocean on the South

3. When and by whom was Australia discovered ?
A. Australia was discovered by Captain James Cook of England in 1788.


1. Why is the Great Dividing Range important ?
1. The Great Dividing Range is the mountain range of the Eastern highlands of Australia
2. The river Murray and its important tributaries the Murrambidge, the Lachian and the Darling take their birth from the Great Dividing Range.
3. The presence of Great Dividing Range close to the eastern coast made the central lowlands a rain shadow region.

2. What and where is the highest point in Australia ? Mention its height.
A. Mt. Kosciusko is the highest peak in Australia. It is found in the highest part of Great Dividing Range known as the Australian Alps in the extreme South East of the continent. The height of Mt. Kosciusko is 2234 meters.

3. What is a rain – shadow region? Where is the rain – shadow region in Australia ?
A. When the rain causing winds are obstructed by a mountain range, the winds go up, cool down and give rainfall to the windward areas of the mountains. The other side or the leeward side remains dry without rainfall. This area is called as the rain – shadow region. In Australia, the presence of the Great Dividing Range close to the eastern coast made the central lowlands a rain shadow region. The Eastern Highlands or the Great Dividing Range prevents the rain bearing winds from the east from reaching here.

4. Which are the important lakes in Australia ? What are they ?
1. The two important lakes of Australia are lake Eyre and Lake Torrens.
2. They are salt water lakes.
3. They are found in the Central and South – Central part of the Central Lowlands.


1. What is the special feature of Australia’s agriculture ?
A. In Australia agriculture is extensive because the land is vast and
the people working on it are few.
Animals rearing is more important than crop – farming.

2. Where is wheat grown in Australia ?
A. Wheat is the leading crop of Australia grown in the grassland areas of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and South West Australia.

3. Why is wheat exported from Australia ?
A. Wheat is an important export of Australia for two reasons – Even though the production is not very high, one half of the production can be exported because the small population of Australia do not need more than one half of the total grain Produced. The harvest takes place in December – January and the grain enters the market when the large importing countries of Europe and Japan have winter, and do not have their own homegrown wheat in competition.

4. What factor is favourable for fruit – farming in Australia ?
A. The mild sunny climate of Australia favours fruit farming.

5. What fruits are grown in Australia and what products are made
out of them ?
A. The fruits which are grown in Australia are pineapples, oranges, grapes
apricots, peaches pears and apples. Wine, Jams, raisins are some of the
products made out of these fruits.

6. Where is sugarcane grown ?
A. Sugarcane is grown in the tropical lowlands of Queensland.

7. What are the main agricultural products of Australia and where
are they grown ?
1. The main agricultural products of Australia are wheat and sugarcane.
2. Wheat is a leading crop of Australia grown in the grassland areas of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and South West Australia.
3. Sugarcane is grown in the tropical lowlands of Queensland.

8. Why is Australia having a large sheep population? Where are they
found ?
A. Australia is having a large sheep population because
1. The climate of the grasslands of Australia is well suited for sheep rearing.
2. The areas where large sheep population is found in Australia are
a) Murray Darling belt, along the coastal lowlands of Victoria and around the city of Adelaide.
b) The State of New South Wales alone has over one half of the sheep in Australia.
c) In coastal plains and the areas of higher rainfall of the central lowlands, Sydney and Melbourne in coastal plains are having a large sheep population.

9. What are the exports based on sheep ?
A. Wool and the meat are the exports based on sheep.

10.What is Australia’s position in the world in wool production ?
1. Australia is the largest producer of wool in the world.
2. The finest quality of wool is obtained from the Marino breed of sheep.
3. Sydney and Melbourne are the greatest wool markets in the world.

11.Where are the cattle found in Australia ? What use is made of them ?
1. In Australia cattle are found in tropical area.
2. Queensland raises one half of cattle of Australia.
3. The cattle are raised in large ranches in the Australia central lowlands.
The use of cattle are :-
1. Most of the cattle are reared for beef in Australia.
2. About one fourth of the cattle are reared for milk, butter and cheese and the other three-fourth are raised for beef only.


1. Explain the importance of Australia as a source of minerals ?
1. Australia is an important source of minerals.
2. Gold is found in several places of Western Australia.
3. Ores of zinc, lead and silver are found in Broken Hill.
4. Ores of copper, tin, tungsten and uranium are also found in Cloncurry in Queensland and Mount Lyell in Tasmania.
5. Coal is available in South west Australia.
6. Iron ore is available in the Iron knob area.
7. Australia is rich in Uranium deposits.

2. Where in Australia are the following found :-
a) Coal b) Gold c) Lead d) Copper e) Zinc and Silver.
A. a) Coal :- Coal is found around Sydney.
b) Gold :- Gold is found at several places in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland.
c) Lead :- Lead is found in Broken Hill.
d) Copper :- Copper is found in cloncurry in Queensland.
e) Zinc :- Zinc is also found in Broken Hill.
f) Silver :- Silver is also found in Broken Hill.

3. Name the main industries of Australia. Where are they found ?
A. The main industries of Australia are :-
1. Flour Milling, manufacture of woollen textiles, fruit, canning, making of jams, dairy products, the iron and steel industry, ship building industry, electrical and electronic good industry and meat packing industry.
2. Many of the industries are located in and near the large cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.

4. Why are Agro based and animal – based industries most dominant in
Australia ?
A. Agro – based industries and animal – based industries are most dominant in Australia due to the following reasons :-
1. Sheep are the most important animals as the climate and grasslands are suitable for their rearing.
2. Australia is a world leader in the exports of wool and meat.
3. Australia gets a handsome amount through the export of wheat and sugar.
4. The climatic conditions are suitable for wheat crop.


1. Why are Australian railways not built all over the continent ?
A. Railways are not built all over the continent because
1. About two – thirds of Australia is a desert.
2. 90 percent of the people live close to the seacoast; only 10% of its people live in the interior parts at great distances.
3. Railway lines and roads were built connecting parts with the mining centres to transport goods rather than people.
4. Different states of Australia built the railways on different gauges. So, there is a problem of transhipment where the guages change from one place to another.

2. Name the seaports along each coast of Australia.
A. In Australia the seaports are located along each coast.
1. East coast :- Cairus, Townsville, Rock Hampton Brisbane, New Castle and Sydney.
2. South coast :- Melbourne, Port Adelaide, Port Risie, Whyalla and Albany.
3. West coast :- Fremantle (Port of Perth), Carnarvan and Broome.
4. North coast :- Darwin.

3. What are the exports of Australia ? What are the imports ?
A. a) Exports of Australia :- The export of Australia is mainly in
primary commodities like wool, wheat, frozen beef and mutton, pork, skins, dairy produce, including eggs, coal, various metals and metallic ores, wine, dried and canned fruits, jams etc.
b) Imports of Australia :- The imports of Australia are mainly sophisticated manufactured goods, textile fabric (particularly cotton) and garments, petroleum products, drugs and chemicals, various foods and drinks etc.

4. Which are the important countries which trade with Australia ?
A. Australian trade was largely with United Kingdom earlier but in the last few decades U.S.A., Germany, China and Japan became important markets for Australian exports. Nearly 50% of the imports come from United Kingdom.

II. Fill in the blanks :-
1. Australia was first colonised by Britain.
2. In Australia the first gold mine was discovered in 1851 near Ballarat.
3. The principal gold mines are found in Western Australia.
4. The transcontinental railway runs from Perth to Port Augusta.
5. Australia developed after the year 1850.
6. The navigable rivers in Australia are Murray and Darling.


1. Why have Sydney and Melbourne become the largest cities ?
A. Sydney and Melbourne are the first and second largest cities of Australia.
1. Sydney :- Sydney is the largest city, with over 3 million people on the pacific coast. It is the capital of New South Wales and is the outlet for its trade of wool, meat, fruit and minerals. It has a very fine harbour (Port Jackson).
2. Melbourne :- Melbourne is the capital city of Victoria, having a population of 2.5 million people. It is the second largest city in Australia. The hinterland covers part of the Murray Basin and it exports wool, fruits and minerals except coal.

2. How is Australia an “Empty continent” ? How is it an “Urban Continent ?
A. Empty Continent :- Australia is known as the “Empty Continent” because it has a very small population for its size, there being only 15 million (150 lakhs) people over an area of nearly 7.7 million square kilometres. Average density of population is less than 2 persons per kilometer. This is because of the very large empty desert space in it covering ¾ of the continent.
Urban Continent:- Australia is also known as an “Urban Continent” because 60% of the people live in the five largest cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth) which are also the capitals of the States.

3. Explain the location and importance of:- a) Adelaide b) Perth c) Brisbane.
a) Adelaide:- Adelaide is the capital of South Australia, and is located
about 10 kilometers inland from the Gulf of St. Vincent which is an inlet of the Southern Ocean. The wine and grapes of the surrounding hills, wheat, wool, and fruits from the lower Murray Basin are exported through port Adelaide on the gulf.
b) Perth :- Perth is the capital of western Australia. It is a city about 15 kilometers up to the swan river. Its port is fremantle at the mouth of the river. Almost one – half of the population of the state of western Australia live in this city. It is the main outlet for the products of South west Australia including wheat, fruit, wool and timber.
c) Brisbane :- Brisbane is the capital of Queensland about 20 kilometers from the sea on the Brisbane river. It has about 600,000 people. It is the outlet for the sheep ranches of the Darling Downs and Sugarcane plantations of the coast.


1. Why was Africa known as the “Dark Continent”?
A. Africa was known as the “Dark Continent” due to the following reasons :-
1. The Northern part of the continent is wide and is occupied largely by the Sahara, the biggest desert in the world.
2. Because the desert is so huge it was difficult to cross and the people of Europe who were the early explorers, did not know much about the part of Africa lying to the south of the Sahara.
3. The rivers of Africa were not suitable for navigation, so they prevented the explorers from going inside the continent.

2. Why is the population small in Africa relative to the area ?
A. The population in Africa is small relative to its area because :-
1. The Northern part of Africa is wide and is occupied largely by the Sahara, the biggest desert in the world.
2. Dense forests which were home for wild animals and disease bearing insects covered the land on both sides of the equator.
3. Its climate is too hot to live.

3. Name the mountains of Africa. Where are they ?
A. The important mountains of Africa are Drakensburg mountains and Atlas mountains. Atlas mountains are located in the extreme northwest of Africa, in the states of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia close to the Mediterranean coast. Drakensburg mountains are located at the Southern edge of the South African plateau.

4. Why is the Nile the most useful river of Africa ?
A. Nile is the most useful river of Africa because:
1. Its lower course is through the Sahara desert in Egypt.
2. Its water is used for irrigation.
3. Without the water of Nile, which produces crops for the large population, Egypt would have been entirely a desert. So, Egypt is called the gift of the Nile.
4. It is also useful for navigation for a few hundred kilometers from its mouth.

5. Where are salt lakes in Africa ?
A. There are two salt lakes in Africa - lake chad on the Southern margin of the Sahara Desert, lake Ngami in the kalahari Desert in southeast Africa.

6. Which are the rivers flowing to the Indian ocean ? Which flow to
the Atlantic ocean ? And which to the Mediterranean Sea ?
A. 1. The rivers which are flow towards Indian ocean are Zambezi and
2. The rivers which flow to the Atlantic ocean are the Orange, the Congo and the Niger.
3. The rivers which flows towards the Mediterranean Sea is the Nile.


1. Why does the Northern part of Africa have a more extreme climate than the Southern part ?
A. The Northern parts of Africa have more extreme climate because
1. It is broader than the South and it receives more sunlight.
2. It is also connected with Asia. So, the climate is more extreme.

2. What is the effect of the cool ocean currents on the climate of Africa?
A. The two cool ocean currents, the canaries and Benguela reduce the
temperature along the west coast.

3. What are the different types of climate in Africa?
A. The different types of climate in Africa are :
1. Equatorial type of climate.
2. Savannah type of climate.
3. The desert type of climate – and –
4. The Mediterranean type of climate

4. Why are there so many different types of climates in Africa?
A. 1. Africa extends in both the hemispheres.
2. It has a very large size.
3. The Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn pass through it.
Because of the above reasons the continent of Africa shows so many
different types of climates.


1. What are the native wild animals of Africa?
A. Africa is rich in wild life because it has good, thick forests. The native wild animals of Africa are Gorilla, Chimpanzee, many kinds of monkeys, snakes, insects, birds, hippopotamus, zebra, many kinds of antelopes, rhinoceros, wild elephant, giraffee, lion, leopard, cheetah and wolf.

2. What useful products are got from the African forests ?
A. The useful products of African forests are :
1. Trees like Mahogany, Ebony, are found here which are useful for making furniture.
2. Rubber and medicinal plants.
3. Ivory from the elephants.

3. Where are Olive trees found in African forests ?
A. In Africa Olive trees are found in the regions where Mediterranean type of climate prevails.

4. What is an Oasis ?
A. Oasis is a place where the water is available in the desert.

5. Why are the African forests unhealthy ?
A. The African forests are unhealthy because :
1. They are very dense. So, the sunlight does not reach the ground sometimes.
2. They have a hot wet climate which helps in the spread of diseases like Malaria and yellow fever.
3. There is a kind of fly called the “tse – tse” fly which kills the domestic animals.


1. What crops of Africa are a) directly used as food and b) used as raw material for industry ?
A. a) The crops of Africa which are directly used as food are Cassava,
Sorghum, Wheat and Jowar.
b) The crops which are used as raw materials for industries are Cocoa, rubber, oil palm, coffee, cotton, tobacco, groundnuts, cloves, sisalhemp etc.

2. Name one nomadic tribe of Africa ?
A. The one nomadic tribe of Africa is Bushmen of Kalahari desert.

3. What is Shifting ‘Cultivation’ ?
A. The type of cultivation practised by the native Africans is known as ‘Shifting cultivation’. It is also known as Jhumming Cultivation.
2. In this type of cultivation the natives clear the land for cultivation by burining the grass and trees in one part of the forest area.
3. After two or three years when the lands loses fertility, the farmers would leave the area and then clear new area of land for cultivation.
4. In this type of cultivation the farmers use only hoes and not plough. They don’t know to use farm machinery and application of manures.

4. Which part of Africa is the most fertile?
A. The most fertile part of Africa is the delta of the river Nile, which flows through Egypt.


1. Where in Africa do you find –
a) Gold b) Diamonds c) Manganese
d) Cobalt ore e) Coal f) Petroleum
g) Copper ore h) Chromium ore ?
A. Africa has a number of valuable minerals. We find – Malwi
a) Gold :- Johannesburg, Yhana, Kenya, Malwi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
b) Diamonds :- Kimberley in South Africa Zaire, Angola and Tanzania.
c) Manganese :- South Africa, Angola, West Africa, Tanzania and Maluri.
d) Cobalt ore :- Zaire
e) Coal :- South Africa, Zimbabwe, Maluri and Tanzania.
f) Petroleum :- Angola, Nigeria, Libya and Egypt.
g) Copper ore :- Kantanga area of Zambia, Zaire and Zimbabwe.

2. Which countries of Africa are important producers of minerals ? What minerals are found in them ?
A. The Republic of South Africa is the best – endowed country with a wide variety of mineral deposits. Zambia, Zaire, Zimbabwe and Nigeria are other important mineral producing countries.
1. Zambia :- Gold, copper.
2. Zaire :- Diamonds, cobalt ore, copper ore
3. Zimbabwe :- Gold, coal , copper ore, lead
4. Nigeria :- Petroleum.


1. Why is Africa said to be a backward continent?
A. Africa is said to be a backward continent due to the following reasons :
1. Most parts of Africa were previously colonized by the Europeans, who exploited the natural resources of the continent for their own benefit.
2. The long period of isolation made Africa backward.
3. The major occupations of the people of Africa are agriculture, mining and pastoralism and industries were not well developed.
4. The exports of raw materials from this continent to the European countries proved ruinous to African economy.

2. What kind of industries are found in most parts of Africa?
A. 1. In most parts of Africa we can find the industries based on agricultural products like sugar manufacture, handicrafts and cottage industries.

3. Which part of Africa is the most advanced in industries ? What are the industries found there ?
A. South Africa is the most advanced part of Africa in industries. The
important industries of South Africa are :- Iron and steel industry,
industries producing metallic gold from gold – bearing rock,
refining of copper, lead and zinc, sugar, textiles, cement and various food
processing industries.

4. What are the industries found in a) Nigeria b) Egypt c) Republic of South Africa d) Algeria ?
A. The important industries of :-
a) Nigeria :- Petroleum, cocoa and palm oil industries.
b) Egypt :- Textiles, chemicals, sugar, cement, Cigarettes, food processing, oil refining industries. etc.
c) Republic of South Africa :- Iron and steel industry, industries producing metallic gold from gold – bearing rock, refining of copper, lead and zinc, sugar, textiles, cement and various food processing industries.
d) Algeria :- Oil refining, steel and chemical industries. Canning of fruit and related food industries.

5. Why are railways and roads mainly linked to ports in Africa ?
A. In Africa the railways and roadways are mainly linked with port cities for exports and imports.


1. Which are the parts of Africa having dense population?
A. The parts of Africa which are having dense population are:-
1.The lower Nile valley and delta in Egypt.
1. The area around Johannesburg in South Africa where the gold mines are located.
2. The katanga area in central Africa in both Zaire and Zambia (where copper ores are found).
3. The valley of the Niger river and the coastal areas where petroleum is mined in Nigeria.

2. Why is the lower Nile valley having very dense population ?
A. The lower Nile valley is having very dense population because :-
1. The soil is fertile.
2. Water is available for irrigation and
3. Food crops are grown more.

3. Who are Bedouins ? Where are they found?
A. Bedouins are the nomadic tribes of Africa. They are found in the area of Sahara desert.

4. Who are “Bantus”?
A. Bantus are the Negroes of Central and South Africa

5. Name four major cities of Africa? Where are they?
A. The four major cities of Africa are:-
1. Cairo :- It is the capital of Egypt and is at the head of the Nile delta.
2. Alexandria :- It is at the mouth of the river Nile in Egypt.
3. Johannesburg :- It is in the Republic of South Africa. It is in the middle of the gold mining area of the Witwatersrand.
4. Kinshasa :- It is the capital city of Zaire.


1. Why is Egypt known as “ The Gift of Nile” ?
A. 1. Egypt is situated in a desert region. It is a part of the great Sahara Desert.
2. The river Nile flows through it and makes it very fertile. It provides water for crops.
3. A large dam across the river Nile at Aswan and several other dams at other places provide irrigational facilities through out the year.
4. Without the water of Nile, Egypt would have been entirely a desert.
5. It is also useful for navigation for a few hundred kilometers from its mouth.
6. Moreover, the lower Nile Valley and delta with only 4% of the land supports 90% of the total population.
7. Thus the river Nile brought prosperity to Egypt. So, it is called “The Gift of Nile”.

2. What are the main exports of Egypt?
A. The main item of export of Egypt is fine quality of cotton. It provides 80% of the exports of Egypt. The other exports are petroleum and rock phosphate.

3. Which is the most populated country of Africa? Why?
A. Nigeria is the most populous country of Africa. It is due to the following reasons :-
1. It has good rainfall on the coast where there are thick forests which give valuable trees like mahogany and rubber.
2. The valley and delta of Niger river are suitable for cultivation of crops like rice, sugarcane, bananas, maize, groundnuts and cotton.
3. Northern Nigeria with a higher rainfall has Savannah grasslands where cultivation of Sorghum, cotton and ground nuts is taken up.
4. The road links with Sudan and the presence of road, railway and river transport have helped development of Nigeria.
5. A lot of mining is also undertaken in Nigeria.

4. What are the important ports of Nigeria? What exports go out through them ?
A. 1. The important ports of Nigeria are Lagos and port Harcourt.
2. The important items exported through them are:- agricultural products like palm, palm oil, groundnuts, cocoa and petroleum.

5. Why is Cairo important ? Where is it?
A. 1. Cairo is the largest city in Africa with over 9 million people.
2. It is the capital of Egypt and is at the head of the Nile delta.
3. It was important from early days as a meeting place of many camel caravan routes across Sahara Desert with the cultivators of the Nile.
4. There are many industries, hospitals and educational institutes etc. in the city.
5. Very old monuments like “Pyramids” are found here.
6. It is well connected with other cities of Africa, Asia and Europe by air.

6. Where are the pygmies found? How do they live?
A. 1. Pygmies are found in Zaire, a country in the river basin of Congo.
2. They live in huts which are made up of light wood, bamboo and thatches of palm leaves.
3. They practice shifting cultivation in the forests.
4. They grow cassava, sorghum, bananas, yam , maize and rice.

7. Mention the use and disadvantages of the Congo river as a transport
A. As a transport medium Congo river is useful for navigation but there are many rapids and waterfalls in the river and hence, navigation is not possible at the edges of the plateau.

8. What are the resources of Zaire ? Where are they found ?
A. 1. The most valuable resources of Zaire are minerals.
2. Gold is found in the northeast near the frontier with Uganda.
3. Copper ore is mined in the Katanga area of the Southeast adjoining Zambia.

9. Where is the “High Veld” ?
A. 1. “Veld means field”. Most of the South Africa is a high plateau which slopes towards the west as it is high in the east it is called as “High Veld”.
2. Maize, Sugarcane, Sorghum, Tobacco and Wheat are grown in the Veld.

10. Name the major exports of South Africa.
A. 1. Gold is the major export of South Africa.
2. Wool is the second important item of export.
3. The other exports are Mohair, Manganese ore, Cotton and Coal.


1. What are the boundaries of Europe?
1. Europe is bounded by the Arctic Ocean on the North, the Atlantic Ocean on the West, the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea on the South.
2. Ural mountains on the East.

2. Name some of the block mountains of Europe.
A. The Meseta plateau in Spain, the Jura mountains, Central Massif and Vosges mountains in France. The Black forest in Germany and the Ural mountains are some of the block mountains of Europe.

3. Why does Europe have a dense population ?
A. Europe has a dense population because the climate is suitable for living.



1. What features affect climate in Europe ?
A. The features which affect the climate of Europe are :-
1. The temperature decreases from South to North as the distance from the equator increases.
2. A warm ocean current, the North Atlantic drift runs along the coast of North Western Europe in winter.

2. Which parts of Europe have rain in summer?
A. The eastern parts of Europe have rain only in summer.

3. What sort of trees are found in the Mediterranean region?
A. 1. In the Mediterranean region the natural vegetation is short trees and bushes with scrubland.
2. The olive tree, the cork oak, and sweet smelling shrubs like lavender grow here.

4. What are “Steppes” ? What use is made of them ?
A. “Steppes” are the temperate grasslands of Europe. They are used for the production of wheat and other crops.

1. Name 3 areas in Europe where wheat is cultivated.
A. Wheat is grown in the Paris basin, the plains of East Anglia,
Netherlands, the valley of the Danube river in Austria in Europe.

2. What are Burgundy and Champagne known for?
A. Burgundy and Champagne are known for best quality of wine.

3. What is “Mixed Farming ?
A. Mixed Farming means cultivation of crops along with raising of farm animals like cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and poultry for providing milk, meat and eggs.

4. Where are sheep found in Europe?
A. Sheep are found in the hilly and drier pasture areas of Western and Southern Europe and in the Caucasus mountains area.


1. Why has Europe become the most industrialized continent?
A. 1. Europe is the most industrialized continent.
2. It has all the sources of powers-coal, oil, and hydroelectric power. The
United Kingdom was the first country to experience the industrial
revolution in the 18th century.

2. What kind of industries are found in Europe?
A. There are mainly two kinds of industries in Europe. They are :-
1. Metal processing industries :- Ships, Automobiles, Airplanes, Railway Engine and Wagons, Electrical and Electronic goods etc.
2. Agro based Industries :- 1.Farm products like food and fibre crops, fruits, wool, milk, hides and skins, etc.
3. Forest products like timber, resin, turpentine, herbs, fur etc.
4. Fishery products.

3. Name three areas where iron and steel industries are found.
A. In Europe iron and steel industries are found in :-
1. Rhur valley, coal fields in West Germany.
2. The silesiol coal field in Poland and
3. The Ural coal field in Russia.

4. Name the areas making a) Airplanes b) ships c) Automobiles d)
Cheese and butter, e) wood-pulp and paper.
A. 1. Air planes :- They are made in the United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Ukraine and the Moscow region of U.S.S.R.
2. Ship :- Ship building is found in Edinburgh, Bristol, Hamburg, Helsinki and in Norway.
3. Automobiles :- Automobiles are built at a number of places in the U.K, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy and the Moscow region of U.S.S.R.
4. Cheese and butter :- Denmark and Switzerland.
5. Wood pulp and paper :- Sweden and Finland .

5. What are the industries found in a) Birmingham b) The Rhur valley.
c) Finland d) Switzerland.
1. Birmingham :- Iron and steel industries, motor cars, etc.
2. The Rhur valley :- Iron and steel Industries and chemicals, etc.
3. Finland :- Wood pulp and paper, etc.
4. Switzerland :- Cheese and butter, etc.


1. Why do you say that Europe has best transportation?
Ans. Of all the continents Europe has the best facilities for transportation.
1. In Europe, transportation from any part to any part is easy by railway, road, and air and in most cases by inland waterways.
2. Technological advance in Europe has made even high mountain areas accessible. The tunnels made through the Alps carry roads and railways from France and Germany to Italy and other south European countries.
3. North European plain has the best network of railways, roads and inland waterways.
4. A road and railway has been laid in the tunnel which is constructed to connect England and France.
5. The railway network is very dense in Europe. There are fast express trains linking all countries.

2. How do roads and railways cross the mountains?
Ans. Technological advance in Europe has made even high mountain areas
accessible for transport. Tunnels are made through the Alps to carry roads and railways from France and Germany to Italy and other South European countries. So, we can say that roads and railways cross the mountains.

3. Why was Kiel canal constructed? Where is it?
Ans. As the Baltic Sea is frozen and not navigable for 4 or 5 months in
winter, a canal known as the Kiel Canal has been dug across the back of the Jutland Peninsula to connect the Baltic ports of Germany with the North Sea without having to travel all around Denmark.

4. Name any 4 important (a) Seaports and (b) Airports.
Ans. 1. The important Seaports are :- Liverpool, Bristol, London,
Edinburg and Glasgow.
2. The important Airports are :- London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Geneva and Rome.


1. Name the products exported by the European countries?
Ans. The products exported by the European countries are:- Textiles and
yarn, Engineering goods and Machinery, Dairy products, Petroleum products, Wood pulp, Paper and News print, Olive oil, Wine, Watches and Electronic goods.

2. Which countries of Europe export wood pulp and paper?
Ans. Sweden, Finland and Norway export wood pulp, paper and newsprint
in Europe.

3. What are the exports of Switzerland?
Ans. Watches and Electronic goods are the exports of Switzerland.

4. What are the sources from which meat is imported into the European countries?
Ans. Meat is imported into the European countries from U.S.A and

5. Name the countries from which Wool is largely sent to European
Ans. The countries from which wool is largely sent to European countries
are Australia and South Africa.

6. Why does Europe import food articles?
Ans. In spite of favourable climate and plenty of water, Europe is not able to
produce all the food required for its people. It is because of industrialization of Europe. That is why Europe has to import food products.


1. Which part of Europe has the largest number of people?
Ans. 1. In west Europe the highest density is found.
2. A large part of England, the industrial belt along the Rhine from
its delta upto Bassel in Switzerland and another east west belt
from central Germany through Czechoslovakia and Poland into
Ukraine along the coal field belt,
3. The Lombardy plain in North Italy is the only large area in
Southern Europe with high density.
4. Dense population is also found around large cities like London,
Paris, Rome, Geneva, Lisbon, Vienna, Belgrade.

2. Why do we say that Europe is a highly urbanized continent?
Ans. Europe is highly urbanized continent because:-
Over ¾ of the population live in towns and even rural areas have urban facilities like transport, telephone, electricity and other services.

3. Name any 5 cities of Europe which have over 2 million people
and the countries where they are found?
Ans. The 5 cities in Europe which have over 2 million are:-
1. London in United kingdom.
2. Paris in France.
3. Madrid in Spain.
4. Berlin in Germany.
5. Rome in Italy.

4. Why are most of the large cities found in western and central Europe?
Ans. Due to favourable climatic conditions, adequate water supply, easy movement of people and location of industries, most of the cities are found in western and central Europe.

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