Class: VI Sub : Social Studies
1. Name the important rivers of Russia and common wealth states.
A. The following are the rivers of Russia and other common wealth states.
1) Dneiper 4) Dvina 7) Yenisei 10) Volga
2) Dneiaster 5) Neva 8) Lena
3) Don 6) Ob 9) Kolyma
2) Which rivers flow into the Aral sea?
A. The rivers that flow from the Palmers into the Aral Sea are Amu Darya and syr Darya.
3. Name the major Vegetation types of Russia.
A. In Russia we have the following types of vegetations:
1) The Tundra type:- This is found along the Arctic Ocean coast. Here Mosses and
Lichens grow. Reindeer, Artic hare and arctic fox live here.
2) The Taiga or Coniferous type: Winters are very cold and long. Summers are warmer.
3) In the mixed forest typed winter is less severe and summers are warm, short
and cool. Forests are cleared for agriculture. Domestic animals alike cattle, pigs,
horses and poultry are found
4) Strppe or Grassland type:- It has more fertile soil. This is suitable for wheat and other
Crops Sheep, horses and donkey are reared here. These soils are known as “Black
5) The desert type:- This type of Climate occurs in central Asia. Salt marshes are found here.
6) The Mediterranean types:- This type of climate has hot dry summer and rainy winters.
This Found Russia and Ukraine. The citrus fruits and olives grow here.
4. Name the important coalfield areas of this region.
A 1) The Donetz basin o;f Ukraine.
2) The Kuznetsk basin of West Siberia.
3) The Karagand field of the Kazakh Republic.
4) Tula near Moscow and
5) Urals are the important coalfield areas of this region.
5. Where is petroleum found in this region?
A. Petroleum is found is Georgia and the Azerbaijan regions at the foot of Caucasus Mountains.
6. Which are the major industrial areas of Russia?
A. The important areas of Russia are
1) Donetz Coalfield are in Ukraine
2) The Ural area.
3) The Moscow Leningrad area and
4) Central Siberia.
7. Where is the population dense in Russia?
A. The population is dense in the west Part of Urals the highest density is found in Moldova. Ukraine
and Belreees republics. The Moscow Leningrad belt also
has dense population. Baku a city on the Caspain Sea coast has very dense population.
8. Name 4 imp cities of this region?
A. The 4 imp cities of Russian region are Moscow, Saint Petersburg (formerly) known as
Leningrad Keri and Vladivostok.
2) Keiv is the capital of Ukraine
3) Tashkent, the capital of Uzbek
4) Alma, Ata, The capital of Kazakh and
5) The Petroleum city of Baku
9. What are the terminals of the Trans-Siberian railway?
A. Leningrad (St.Peters burg) and Vladivostok are terminals of the Trans-Siberian railway.
10. What are the exports and imports of this region?
A. Export:- Machinery and engineering good, textiles, wood pulp and paper, timber, furiron,
Ore, coal, petroleum, Vehicles and aircraft.
Imports:- Cotton, Wool, Copper and rubber.
11. Which Are the imp Ports of this region?
A. The important ports of this region are
1) Leningrad (on the Baltic Sea)
2) Odessa and Sevestopol (on the Black Sea)
3) Murmansk (on the artic coast)
4) Vladivostok (on the Pacific Coast) .